Meating the neaborhood

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I helped Edward get changed and I changed my self and we went outside,(we were both still blushing from what had just happened) there was only a few people so far and I knew more would be showing up soon.

"That was nice June."

"Indeed Edward."

"Do you think we could do that again?"

"Well......Its not like I don't want to but....its just that only people who are in romantic relationships do that sort of thing."

"Ok." He said in his quiet voice. 

Who was I kidding, of cores I wanted a relationship with him more than anything. But I didn't know who he would feel about it, I mean we only had just met two days ago. But I had never been so taken by a man before. I wasn't going to go to fast for him, I was his fist love interest after all and I did not want to scare Edward off.

Soon more people arrived, I could tell that Edward was trying his best to fit in. I stayed near him which seemed to make him more relaxed. A group of men came up to him and started to make friendly conversation, it made me happy to see that the guys were being nice to him. After the men left I went to ask if Edward wanted some food.

"How are you doing love?"

"Good I think."

"Well you just keep being yourself."


We both looked into each other's eyes, he gave me the sweet smile of his. "Gosh he's beautiful" I thought to myself.

"I'll be right back Edward ok?"

"I'll wait for you."

I softly giggle to myself and walk into the house to go grab my sandals. When I got back outside I noticed that Edward was over by the grill with vegies scured on his "hands". 

"What are you doing dear?"

"Making shsikabobs."

"Well ok, just don't hurt yourself Edward." He gave me one of his sweet smiles again making me blush. However, our moment did not last as a retired vet came over and gave Edward a pep talk about how he shouldn't be ashamed of being an amputee. 

"Don't let anyone tell you that you have a handicap." The man went on. Just then he was interrupted by my worst nightmare. Joyce. Even thought Edward was considerably younger than she was it didn't matter, I knew she would overtly flirt with him. I think the saddest part was that Edward didn't know what she wanted from him, but I did. And it made me sick.

"Who's handicapped, your what do they call it? Unique." She said in a smooth sinister voice.

"I noticed that you've not tried any of my ambrosia salad I that I made just for you." The old cuger said as she fed him a large spoon full.

"Joyce, he has already eaten. And don't you think he's a little out of your league." I hissed at her.

"No man is out of MY league honey." She responds as she give a wicked grin. 

Soon more ladies crowed around him all feeding him their various dishes. All this make me feel ill, I had to leave for a little bit. I stormed inside and began pacing in the living room.

"That poor dear! They'll ruin him they will! I can't let him get hurt I just can't!" I thought to my self. I flopped down on the couch and cried. After a while I went back outside to see Mr. Mike, talking to Edward about how he had vegies scured on his hands. 

"Hey Edward are you ok?" I asked calmly.

"I-I-don't know."

"Ok then do you want to go inside?"


"Alright, I'm just gonna tell Mrs. Peg where were going."

I made my way over to Mrs. Peg and told her what we were doing and we were soon inside.

"I bet he's sick to his stomach, the way they practically shoved food down his throat."  I thought as we both sat down on the couch. I put my hand on his forehead, no fever, yup its all that food.

"Edward, would you like a glass of water?"

"No thank you." He said softly as he gently laid his head on my shoulder. I could tell he really wasn't feeling good.

"Sweetheart I think you should go and lay down, rest will help." I said as I looked down at my sweet baby just wanting to tell him how I feel. But I restrained myself. We walked to the room he was staying in and we both plop down on the bed.

"Here, lay down now ok?" I said while puling back the blankets. He moved in and laid down. Edward looked up at me with those big puppy dog eyes, as if saying 'don't go'. I softly rub his cheek and gaze into his chocolate brown eyes. I try to say something but I can't as I held back tears.

"I should go....."

"Wait June."

"Yes Edward."

"I love you."

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