A Fathers Touch

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  My pregnancy soon began to progress, our little one was growing so fast, before I knew it I was 15  weeks along and had a beautiful tiny bump. Edward was helping as much as he could, doing everything he knew how to do. Besides his hands, this was his first time caring for a pregnant woman.  

  All of this was brand new to him, as it was to me. Sometimes I think I would accidentally scare my poor Edward, with my hormones going CRAZY for odd food cravings and, yes, sex. I tried to control myself best I could but the hormones were stronger than me.  

 Weird food and sex were not the only things I was thinking about though. I knew that Eddy would be so very sad that he would not be able to hold his baby, I know that there are other things that you can wear so you can hold baby with out hands, but, its just not the same. 

"Hey June! How are things?" Kim asked one day as she came in with food and other things, Eddy was working on his beautiful topiaries. 

"Things as pretty good, Edward has been amazing. He can eat for himself now which makes things much easier on me." 

"That's good, and how have you been feeling?" She asked. 

"I'm much better now that I am not throwing up all the time, and I think Eddy is glad that I'm not doing that either. It really freaked him out, I reassured him that it was normal, but he did his best in helping me and was never grossed out by it. Oh my god, don't even get me started about the hormones." 

"Yeah? That's good he can help you out, how dose he feel about the sex? Are you like pouncing on him?" Kim said as she tried to stifle her laughter. 

"No, no, or at least I try not to. Damn, he's sexy, I freaking love my husband........Kim, I realize that when the baby is born, he won't be able to hold little him of her......he's gonna be so very sad." 

"That's right......and if I know Edward he'll want to hold his baby. I mean, what father wouldn't? Maybe he could have a surgery so he could have real hands? Prosthetics maybe?" Kim said. 

"Maybe, I mean, of course I want him to be able to hold his baby. But, I don't want him to think that I'm trying to change who he is. Edward is so very special, and he is learning how to do more things for himself. And he's so gentle, he would never hurt the baby, I know that. But, I also know that he want's to be able to do more for me. Gosh, I don't know what to do really." I said as I held my head in my hands. 

"Well, I think you should talk all this over with Edward and you both will come to a answer about what is best for your family. I trust you and Edward will figure out what to do, he is a good man and he will be a wonderful father, with or without his Scissorhands." 

"Thank you Kim, I am sure we will figure out what to do, gosh, I can't wait till the baby is born."

"That's gonna be so precious I'm sure of it, dose Edward want a boy or a girl?" 

"We both don't mind if its a boy or girl, we will love them no matter what. He's so excited, gosh, I'll said it once and I'll say it again, he is so freaking cute!" 

"I'm happy for the both of you, I can't wait to be an auntie, you have a good June I'll see you later." 

"Bye Kim!" 

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