"He claims he is white," he mumbled. "He doesn't look white or maybe he is. Maybe he's either hyperpigmentation or colorblind," I put out theories. "Maybe, but it doesn't give him a reason to be races. I remember he was criticizing me and Riley that one time he came to babysit us and Riley and I shot him with our BB-Guns," he told me as I giggled a little. I feel so bad for thinking that was funny. "Why do you guys even have guns in your house?" I simply asked him not to be rude. "Right to bear arms!" he smirked. "Oh, that makes sense. I can never think about holding a gun, I don't even want to see them," I told him.

"Well you know guns have been around since 1364 and people are just using them for their advantages," I didn't want to reminisce on what people do with them. "I hate some of those advantages, a matter of fact; I hate when people gotta resort to violence to solve their issues. I understand when they are using it for a good reason, but just for nonsense makes me really upset. It kinda makes me scared that my dad has to deal with those types of people," I told him as he was a little taken back. "I knew you hated when there was no world peace, but I didn't know you had deep thoughts about it," he said slicing the last avocado.

"Well, I do and it makes me upset that there will never be world peace in some countries," he looked down and just didn't say anything. "Okay enough about this talk, can we please talk about something else, like something funny?" I simply asked him trying to hold in some oncoming tears. "Yeah, umm, well today when Cesar and I went out to the soccer fields, he had kicked himself with his own ball," he told me as I started to laugh.

"Oh my gosh, how?" he had smirked trying to contain a laugh. "He tried to do one of those backflip kicks into the goal and it ended up going wrong. He kicked the ball to his face while flipping and he had knocked himself out," I started to laugh so hard that I snorted. "Is he okay?" I kept giggling. He had to think about it and nodded his head. "I took him home and put ice on his forehead then left to go prepare for the date," he told me. "Huey ice doesn't solve every problem," I rolled my eyes. "Well he is okay and no serious damage was done. All that was done was humiliation!" he had smirked.

"Does his parents know?" I softly asked him. "I don't think they know. He told me his parents are celebrating their anniversary, so they're most likely gone somewhere," he told me. "Oh my! I might go check up on him tomorrow to see how he is doing," I thought about what I was going to bring him. I heard Huey's low growl and gave him the look. "Is there a problem?" I crossed my arms. "No!" he said while gritting his teeth and glaring at the ground. I grabbed two plates and started setting the food on there.

Huey didn't say anything for a minute or two until he had looked at me. "You know what I do have a problem with it," he scowled at me. "Ok, what's your problem? I thought we settled the whole misunderstanding thing," I started to take the plates to the table. "Yeah, I understand you're nice, but-" "But if you are so uncomfortable with me going to go see our other friend; why don't you come with me," I set the plates on the table. "You know as a matter of fact I will come along," he followed behind.

"Splendid!" I exclaimed. I didn't feel like changing, so I just sat down at the table. He sat down as well and gave me the look. "Okay, let's say grace!" I held my hand out. He looked unsure until I told him: "I'll make it quick!" and smiled at him. He gave me his hand and I bowed my head then closed my eyes. "Lord we thank you for this food, aye man!" I graced. "You say grace all the time?" he asked as I nodded.

"I don't go to church as much like I use to. I usually go on once in a while," I said. "Umm how's a dance going for you?" he asked trying to make the conversation keep going. "Uhh it's not going so well, everybody's either not getting the routine down or they aren't doing good in school," I told him. "Yeah, I have a class with some of the people you dance with. They usually sit by the smart kids in class and cheat. One of them even tried to cheat on me," he said as I mumbled a "tsk".

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