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"Never one without the other."
That's what people used to say about Five and I, and it was true. "Joined at the hip" was another comment that was used a lot but one stuck out to me, it was only used once but it had always stuck. "They're soulmates who just don't know it yet."
I never really understood that one as we were just friends, I always forgot about it when we were together though. I forgot about a lot of things when we were together, like the time I forgot to tell him he had sat in melted chocolate and had a stain on his ass or the time I forgot to pick him up to literally take him to his doctors appointment or like the time where I used to forget to go home because my parents arguments and constant bickering got too much for me. I never wanted to be a pain in the ass for Five or my parents for that matter but he would always know when something was up, there were times where he'd warp into my room and hear them screaming downstairs, then he'd give me a smile and hold my hand and we'd be somewhere else... I enjoyed being around him, he made me happy and temporarily helped me forget.
But today was different. I was woken up to screaming, it had been like this for the past week, only difference being there was a third voice, one that I was unfamiliar with. I got out of bed and slowly made my way down the stairs, peeking into the living room where the commotion was coming from. There stood my mother, father and... That bitch. Why was my fathers mistress stood in my living room?
"What the fuck is she doing here?" I marched in.
"Ask your father.  Go on, tell your own daughter why she's here." My mother crossed her arms.
"Do not bring Y/N into this!" My Father pointed his finger at my mother and I stepped in front of her.
"You're still seeing each other aren't you?" I questioned.
"This is adult stuff, Y/N. I suggest you stay out of it." He warned me.
"Adult stuff my ass, every fucking day I have to deal with this shit. The screaming, the shouting the constant shit talking each other to me. For years I've had to deal with this shit. Sure I might not be an 'adult' but fuck, I'm 17 and even I can see how fucked up this whole situation." I raised my voice and my fathers side piece excused herself and walked to the front door.
"Do not use that language in my house, let alone when speaking to me young lady." He decided it was his turn to point his finger in my face now.
"Oh suck my fucking dick, you piece of shit." I rolled my eyes, flipping him off.  I walked to the front door, grabbed my shoes and car keys and left.  The other woman sat on the doorstep.
She looked up at me and gave me a smile.
"Fuck off you homewrecking bitch."  I pushed past her and walked out on to the street, I looked up to see Five strolling towards me, hands in his pockets, signature smile on his face.
I gave him a small smile and unlocked my car getting in and as per usual within seconds he was sat next to me.
"So where are we going?  I didn't think we had anything planned."  He asked and I just shrugged.
"I don't really feel like hanging out today, sorry."  I just looked straight forward not wanting to hurt his feelings with my bad attitude.
"Hey are you oka-,". He started when he turned his head to look at what I was watching.  "Wait, who's that with your dad?  He hasn't..."
"Yes Five, he has.  He never stopped.  I hate him."  I bit my lip, trying to hold back any emotion that was threatening to pour out at any given moment.
"Get out the car."  He said.
"What, why?"
"Because I'm going to give you a damn bear hug."  He smiled and I did as he said.  He pulled me in close and squeezed me tight. "Are you smiling yet?" He mumbled into my neck and I shook my head so he squeezed me tighter and I let out a giggle.
"Hey you!" I heard my dad shout, and I pulled away to look at him. "Is he the reason you're always out and speaking like some kind of scum." He interrogated us.
"Will you just fuck off? You've been lying to us for years." I spat.
"Do not use that language with me for I am am your god damn father, you will have respect for me."
"I will never respect you." I laughed and he raised his hand to slap me, Five noticed and pushed him backwards and he stumbled slightly.
"Don't you dare do that." He slowly approached him. "Raising your hand to a woman." He started.
"She's a little girl who thinks she knows best." My dads eyes just flickered between Five and I.
"Shut the hell up, asshole!" He warned, closing the space between the two. "That's your fucking daughter, your precious little girl who you're supposed to protect, not hurt in any way, shape or form." Five spoke and I sat on the hood of my car, watching closely.
My father looked at me for a couple of seconds.
"Yeah well, looks like she has you for that now doesn't it." My dad pushed Five away and he slowly turned and walked back to me.
"Can we go somewhere, please?" I spoke up and he nodded, pulling me in for another hug and pressing his lips to my temple.

The One That Got Away Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon