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I woke up the next morning and looked around. Luther and Allison were asleep on her bed, with Klaus awkwardly laying on top of them, Vanya was curled up in a blanket and Diego and Ben were spooning each other in the corner... I looked and couldn't find Five anywhere until a minute later when he walked in with 2 cups in hand.
"Morning." He beamed and I rubbed my eyes, sitting up and smiling at him.
"Hi." I replied and he sat opposite me, handing me a cup which held coffee inside. "Why're you up so early?" I asked.
"It's not early, it's almost lunchtime." He chuckled, showing me his watch. "Fortunately though, my Father is away for business until tomorrow night."
I nodded and sipped my drink.
"So..." I trailed off.
"Do you wanna hang out today?" Five quickly asked and I nodded yes almost instantly.
"What do you wanna do?" I asked and he smirked.
"Let's live our fucking lives." He grinned, making use of the same quote I had said previously.
"Can I shower first?" I laughed, standing and stretching.
"Of course, dweeb." He rolled his eyes and I walked past him, making sure to ruffle his hair on the way out.
"You're a dweeb." I smiled, walking to the bathroom with my clean clothes I had packed.


I sat cross legged on the carpeted floor for a moment, smiling to myself.
"That was a cute little encounter." I heard Klaus and I immediately rolled my eyes at the sound of his voice.
"Don't start ghost boy!" I warned, pointing my finger at him.
"I'm not, I'm just saying you guys are so cliché." He laughed and I just got up and left.


We were currently sat by the harbour, dangling our legs over the edge and talking.
"So what's with your parents?"  I asked and I noticed her smile fade.
"What do you mean?"  She avoided eye contact.
"Well the other day, you even mentioned the obvious tension in the air...  What happened between them?"  Maybe that was too upfront.
"My dad had an affair.  My Mom gave him the ultimatum really, his mistress or her and I guess you know the rest."  She explained.
"Oh fuck, I'm sorry."
"Don't apologise, god I hate that shit.  You have no control over it and saying you're sorry is the same bullshit that everyone else does, but nobody ever means it."  She snapped.
"I do mean it.  You deserve so much better than that and I'm sorry it happened." 
"Thanks Five."  She gave me a small smile and I held her hand in mine and squeezed.  "You know how people say you grow into your parents?"  She asked and I nodded, looking down at the murky water below us.
"I don't ever wanna end up like them, pretending to be happy and thinking I don't notice the arguing and small digs they direct at each other now and then.  They don't love each other anymore, the only reason they stayed together for this long is because of me and that is so fucking sad."
"I don't want to be like my father either, he's the total opposite...  He doesn't show affection or even care for us.  We're almost some kind of experiment to him."
"But he's not your real father, Five...  You're gonna grow to do amazing things.  I know you're nothing like Mr Hargreeves, you're so much more."  It was her turn to give my hand a reassuring squeeze now.
"Thank you."  I smiled.


And as the two teenagers sat there, hand in hand, talking about their broken homes and bonding they both knew that they'd be together for a long time.

The One That Got Away Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz