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We spent most of the morning together, it was really nice. My Mom had planned a meal tonight but Five insisted on taking me somewhere first.
"Where are we going?" I whined.
"Shutup." He laughed.
"Can I atleast take this blindfold off?" I questioned.
"Oh man, why? It was turning me on." He chuckled.
"Gross." I yanked it off my eyes and slapped him with it, not realising the car had stopped. "Where are we?" I asked, looking around at the bustling street. His hands positioned my head and he pointed at a store front.
"I'm taking you for your first tattoo..." He smiled.
"Wait, what?" I turned to face him, already well aware that the excitement on my face was evident. "What are we getting?"
"I need you to write something for me."


I kept looking down at my wrist, Five's too.
"I'm obsessed." I beamed. "Thank you!" I leaned over, kissing his cheek. He smiled and turned to face me, both of us maintaining eye contact. Radiohead was playing on the local radio station and before I knew it, we were making out.
After a couple of minutes when we finally decided to come up for air, he was just looking into my eyes and smiling.
"What?" I asked, but he didn't reply, he just continued to beam like the Cheshire Cat. "What?" I repeated, nudging his shoulder.
"Nothing, just you..." He chuckled.
"C'mon, we better get going." I referred to the meal my Mother had planned. We both hopped out of his gorgeous Mustang, which I totally didn't have any influence on him buying at all.

*Fives POV*

Y/N and I were currently laying on top of the car of my roof, simply just looking up at the night sky. It was silent until...
"This is so fucking cliché." Y/N chirped up, I sat up and leaned onto my elbows, I watched as she rolled over onto her side, her little black dress riding up on her thigh and hugging her waist. "Look at this, it's like we're in a movie... I love it." She smiled.
"Where do you want to be in 5 years?" I asked. I'm not sure where that came from, but I was curious.
"What is this? A job interview? What kinda question is that?" She laughed.
"Fuck you." I laughed. "C'mon, you gotta answer it! You've officially been put on the spot."
"Okay, okay." She got her giggles under control and took a deep breath. "Let me think for a minute."
"No no, you can't think about it! Just shoot." I told her, eager to know now.
"Fine!" She raised her hands in defence. "I wanna live in my own place. Shit, I'd have the most perfect decor, and a garden just for us. It'd have a driveway that could fit 2 cars. Ooh, and I want a dog. A good job which I love, a decent wage would be nice too. And you. As long as I still have you by my side in 5 years then the rest really isn't important."
I couldn't help but smile at her words.
"You mean that?" I asked.
"Forever and always." She flashed her toothy smile and then her wrist. I lifted mine too and put them side by side, comparing the new words which were printed on our skin for the rest of our lives.


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