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Here we were in a new town, new start and all that bullshit.  We'd been here a couple days.  My Mom, Dad and I.
"Y/N, why don't you go out and make some friends.  It's gonna be a long summer and you're not spending the whole of it isolated in your room."  My Mom suggested.
"Making friends isn't that easy."  I rolled my eyes.
"Just go, explore, find a job.  Have fun, you're young."  My dad said and I got up off the couch and walked to the front door, grabbing my backpack.
"Fine, I'll go."  I left and slammed the door.
I walked around the town for a while and found myself approaching a street which was basically blocked off.  There were cars and news vans everywhere and one side of the road was full of people.  I carried on walking down the quieter part of the sidewalk, curious as to what was going on.  I finally found out what everyone was looking at. 6 kids.  They were all wearing the same uniform and posing for the cameras.  They looked to be about my age, I stopped and sat on the curb, pulling a cigarette out of my pocket and lighting it, watching what was going on.  An older man stood next to them, he wore a monocle and a suit and his voice roared over the audience who were bombarding the kids with questions.  I looked closely and saw a girl behind the others, stood by the front door, wearing the same uniform but looking quite...  Sad.  Why was she standing at the back?  I realised the man had finished his speech and the children started to make their way inside of the building.  I jumped to my feet and watched as the girl who was left out closed the door after everyone.  Weird.
I found myself at the local coffee and doughnut shop.
"Hello sweetheart.  What can I get for you today?"  A lady approached the counter where I was sitting and I jumped to attention, leaning in and reading her name badge.  Agnes.
"Hey, could I just get a chocolate shake please."  I smiled, giving her the money.
"Coming right up!"  She beamed, walking over to the cash register. 
A little while passed and I was speaking to the woman about how I was new to town and asking her if there was anywhere cool around here when the bell above the door rang, signalling new customers had just entered.  It was those kids from before.  The same 6.  1 girl and 5 boys.  The girl had gorgeous long hair and the boy walking next to her had bright blonde hair and was quite tall.  Then there were another 3 boys, one had knives sticking out of his pocket, and the other had a pack of cigarettes.  They pushed a slightly smaller boy into the booth who had a book under his arm and then behind all of them trailed the last boy who held his hands in his pockets, a smirk on his face and his hair combed over neatly.
"I'll be right back, I've just gotta take their order."  Agnes excused herself and approached them.  I watched carefully.  The blonde boy had his arm wrapped around the girl.  The boy with the book was, well, reading his book.  The boys with the knives and cigarettes were talking amongst themselves and the other one...  Was looking straight at me.  I quickly turned back around and waited patiently for Agnes to return.
"Do you need some help?"  I offered, watching her pile the drinks on a tray and balancing 3 plates on her arm.
"It's okay sweetheart."  She smiled and made her way back over to the table.
"Who are they?  I saw news crews and everyone taking pictures of them before.  What's that all about?"  I questioned Agnes and she leaned closer to me.
"Have you heard about Sir Reginald Hargreeves?"  She asked and I shook my head 'no', "The Umbrella Academy?"  I shook my head again and she sighed.  "Each of those children are very special.  Each of them was born on the same day.  Each of them have the same adoptive father. But each of them have very different super powers."  She informed me and I scoffed, trying to hold back my laughter.
"Super powers?  Yeah right."  I giggled maybe a little too loud because their chatter went quiet and they all looked over at me.  Oops.
"Shh, when they come here they want to be treated as normal kids.  I hear their father is really harsh on them."  Agnes said and I nodded.  I watched as she walked over to a new customer and I started playing with the rings on my finger.  I felt a figure next to me and chose to carry on concentrating on my hands.
"I saw you before, outside of the academy."  I turned to see the boy who was looking at me before.
"Yeah, and?"  I shrugged.
"Are you new around here, we're kinda a big deal and usually people fall at our feet."  Another boy approached us and I laughed.  "What?  Why are you laughing?"  He questioned, looking quite hurt.
"Because,"  I stood up, walking close to him.  "I'm not sure if I can take you seriously when you have a milk moustache."  I wiped the top of his lip and licked my finger, smiling at them.  "It was lovely meeting you, but I'm really not that impressed.  Thanks Agnes!"  I raised my voice and gave her a small wave, grabbing my bag and walking out of the door.
"Who are you?"  I heard footsteps running after me and I turned on my heel to face the two boys, the dramatic one stood a couple of feet in front of me and the other leaned against the doorframe with his arms folded.
"I could ask you the same but I don't particularly care."  I smirked, pulling 2 cigarettes from my pocket and lighting them, handing one to the boy in front of me.  He held it for a couple of seconds before placing it between his lips and extending his hand out.
"I'm Klaus.  Klaus Hargreeves."  I shook his hand.
"Lovely to meet you Klaus, I'm still not interested though."  I started to walk off.
"But, I don't even like girls!"  He wailed I down the street after me and I turned back to face him.
"Neither do I." 

The One That Got Away जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें