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We finally arrived back at the academy and Y/N has sobered up a little bit.
"C'mon, let's get you upstairs."  I giggled at her as she flopped on the floor as soon as we entered through the front doors.
"But, what about the party?"  She crossed her arms and pulled out her bottom lip.
"Move it."  I dragged her by her arms to the bottom of the stairs.
"Fine!  Race you there."  She squealed and I shook my head at her.
"Oh Y/N,"  I smirked and watched her turn to face me, I gave her a wave before warping to the top of the stairs.
"Fiveeee.  That's cheating."  She ran after me and I warped again but this time to my bedroom door, flipping her off playfully.
"It's not cheating, I just adapted."  I smirked, watching as she fell onto my bed with a thud.
"I wish I had powers."
"No, no you don't."  I shook my head, chuckling a little.
"It would be so fucking cool though, I mean you can literally space jump, who knows...  Maybe you can time travel as well."
I turned to face her.
"I mean, I've been working out the mathematics behind it, but Father would never allow it.  But I know I'm so close to figuring it out." 
"Screw him."  She muttered.
"W-what."  I stuttered, turning to face her.
"Screw him."  She propped herself up on her elbows.  "Five, you have a gift.  This amazing power, use it!  You can do amazing things with it.  Personally, I'd bitchslap Hitler." 
"You really think I can do it?"  I questioned.
"Five, you can do anything.  I believe in you.  And anyway, once you've mastered the whole time travelling thing, you can take me to see the dinosaurs...  Oh my god, no!  We can go back to the sixties or some shit.  Please tell me we can do that one day."  She got a little too excited at the thought and it filled me with happiness.
"I promise I'll take you to see the dinosaurs one day."  I smiled at her and she tackled me with a hug.
"Love you nerd."  She smiled.
"Love you bitch."  Shooting her a wink.
"Forever and always?"  She extended her hand with her pinky finger out and I wrapped mine around it.
"Forever and always."  I gave her a kiss on the forehead.
Soon enough she had fallen asleep on my arm and I played with her hair.
I got up, careful not to wake her and made my way to my desk.  Opening up my journal which had all my equations written down in.
If Y/N thought I could do this then nothing could stop me, not even my Father.

The One That Got Away Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora