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Chapter 21: INNER MIND

- Author's POV -

Yoomin and Taewoo are drinking in lucifer café together peacefully, no fights or something like that, like how they used to be. Though hours ago they have fought, but that doesn't seem to matter now. Maybe they reconciled with the help of Jade, Jonghee's sister, who jist appeared out of nowhere.

"So you're going to help me too right?", Taewoo asked Yoomin while batting his eyes.

"Only if you show me yaoi.", Yoomin slurped her frappé.

"Woah... You're so petty.", Taewoo frowns.

"Duh. There'll be surely yaoi scenes between you guys. It comes out naturally...", Yoomin drank once again and looks at Taewoo seriously. Just Poker face.

"Well that means a yes either way right?", he flashed a big smile despite of that expressionless emotion printed on Yoomin's face. "Sometimes you're so hard to read...", he raised his eyebrows and drank his shake without using a straw, which leaves him a trail of foam on the top of his red plump lips.

"Yah... Trying to imitate 'Secret Garden'?", Yoomin scoffs and laughs at him. "Wha- no I'm not!", Taewoo becomes red. "Really?", Yoomin lifted up her hands and gets nearer Taewoo's upper lips. Taewoo's pupils start to dilate and his heartbeat becomes faster. His lips start shaking whenever Yoomin moves her hand towards him. "Y-Y...', Taewoo looks really nervous and his lips won't even stop shaking. He's really nervous, it's all over his face. Centimeter for centimeter, Yoomin's fingertips become close and more closer until they finally reached and touched each other, which made Taewoo shivers. "What's there to be nervous for? It's not like I'm gonna hurt you.", because of her words, Taewoo can finally breathe out again. Yoomin on the contrary, wiped the foam from Taewoo's face.

"You should have told me, I could have wipe it away myself.",Taewoo wipes his mouth once again and his neck became hot red and his cheeks also. "Yah, you think you can do it yourself when you didn't even wipe all of them again even though I started wiping it?", Yoomin rolled her eyes. She may seems mean but she's not really a bad person.

Taewoo shrugs and lowers his head. "Come closer.", commanded Yoomin and Taewoo obeyed her like a dog. Taewoo leans his head towards Yoomin, when Jade comes.

"I thought you guys weren't dating? Then why would you kiss each other?", Jade suddenly comes out of nowhere, sneaking like a ninja. "K-Kissing?! What the hell are you saying?", Yoomin stood up in a spur of moment. "Oh you weren't?", Jade shows her tongue and winks at the both of them. "O-of course not!", Yoomin becomes red and Taewoo's already hot red matching his hair color. "Hahaha you're both so cute! Well I have to work, bye and text me 'kay?", Jade winked once again and left the two youngsters.

"She's really weird.", to hide his embarrassment, Taewoo took a gulp of his shake. Yoomin just gives him a nod. "You're such a kid...", Yoomin rolled her eyes. "Yah! I'm older than you! You should be calling me oppa... You don't even call me by my name... That's rude you know!", Taewoo frowns. "I will, if you're mature enough.", Yoomin hands Taewoo a piece of tissue, "as for your name, I will call you if you can at least drink your shake without being so white above your mouth.", she smirks. Taewoo blushes and took the tissues swiftly and wipes his mouth area and Yoomin just grinned on the other side.

"Ah! About the homework! How about my next day-off??", Taewoo said excitedly with his eyes shining like diamonds. "Sure. When is that?", Yoomin agreed easily. "Uhm next Tuesday." "Call." Taewoo and Yoomin finished their drinks and are on the way home. "You need help with those gifts?", Yoomin pointed at the pile of presents lying on the floor. "I think I can handle them.", Taewoo smiled brightly and starts picking up the presents and Yoomin went ahead. "Yah! You already give up so fast on helping me?!", Taewoo yells while struggling with the loads of gifts. "You said you can handle it.", Yoomin shows her tongue to Taewoo and continues walking without helping Taewoo. Taewoo stands there in shock. "Then at least wait for me!", Taewoo runs strangely because of what he's carrying. "I don't get why those two aren't together yet.", Jade, who was watching from behind, sighed then smile.

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