CHAPTER X: Unexpected Rendez-vous

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-Yoomin' POV-

A new summer morning has begun. The sunshine shone right to my eyes, causing me to wake up and stand up from my soft fluffy bed. I opened the window and inhaled fresh breeze. I didn't knew that it was already 10 am. I'm usually already awake at 8am and helps in the shop, but for some reasons I fell asleep for such a long time. Of course, Jinsu oppa didn't wake me up. I'm not a regular worker, I only help in the shop, repaying oppa for letting me stay here and for feeding me. My big brother lives and work out of the town and I'm pretty sure he lives with his girlfriend. Don't worry they are already about nine years together. Why aren't they married you ask? The reason's probably me. He can't leave me alone he said, if so where is he now? Far away from me, though I cannot blame him. He's allowed to do what he wants, he's already old, almost 28 years old. I just hope he and Minyeo ¹unni finally get married.

After getting some nice air, I stretched for a bit. "Uuuungggg!!!!", whoa that felt good. I checked my cellphone, it's already 10:17 am and it's a friday... wait.. that means tomorrow's saturday? I locked my phone screen. Do they really mean it? I mean,it's too sudden and really unorganized... probably it's just to make Yoonho stop crying. Yeah, that's probably the reason. I better help out now...

I opened my wardrobe and got some clothes, a normal white shirt with a skull print and a red skinnies. After some times I finally wore glasses instead of lenses. So I grabbed the nerd glasses on the top of my desk near some piled papers and bags of chips. I love eating chips by the way. At last, I wore my black sneakers, grabbed the keys and locked the door.

So, I went downstairs ready to help Kiseok umma and Jinsu oppa. Speaking of umma, I wonder what he's feeling now. I indirectly saw him crying last time. I hope he didn't fell that hard for the dino guy. No matter how often he denies that he has feelings for him, I can definitely see it. He Can't hide anything from me I can always see through him. I just know him for two years but I feel like we already know each other since forever.

Finally, I'm finished with everything and ready to go out of the house and helps in the shop downstairs. The door opened before me, the very first figure I saw, was that person... Lee Taewoo. Why do I have to see whom I don't want to see the most? "Good morning Yoomin ssi. I'm sorry for my behaviour yesterday. I didn't know what I said and have done, I wasn't on my right mind.", he ruffled his hair from embarassment. As I decided to do, I ignored him and just went pass through him. I forgot, the system has changed, they won't be able to work together, unless Jinsu oppa takes a day off. The system is pretty confusing but it's convenient because I'll know Taewoo's schedule then I will know what time I'll need to go out of the shop. And that time is now.

"What the- she's back to her oldself. Ignoring someone when talking.." mumbled Taewoo.

This'll be 'Mission Start', ignoring Taewoo and Minjae Quest! Current state : in progress. Success rate: 50%. I don't even know what I'm doing... I definitely play too much video games. But I really have to do this, raise that wall between people before you get destroyed. It's like how hedgehogs work, defending yourself when in danger.

Just ignore until it's noon then I'll go out. Just refrain yourself from talking to him. It'll be good enough, or at least that's what I calculated. "Jinsu oppa, you should've woke me up earlier...", I greeted Jinsu oppa, who is sitting behind the counter. "No it's ok... you looked so tired and was really in a deep sleep. And it's not your obligation to work, you're not a worker here.", he answered.

"I told you, it's a payment, because you let me in your house and fed me.", I sat next to him, where my 'throne' is. Jinsu oppa just smiled at me. He's like a father to me, even though I don't really know the feeling of having a father, which is not so important so let us just forget it. He has got some leadership but he's clumsy and is a crazy chicken lover. Despite of his clumsiness, you can really rely on him when it's a serious problem.

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