CHAPTER IV: Her story

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Chapter 4: Her story


Taewoo begged so long, but at the end Jinsu finally gave in and is ready to tell Taewoo and Minjae some of Yoomin's past. All of them looked at each other and gulped. Taewoo fixed his concentration on Jinsu, his ears are only open for him.

"On the second thought, I should probably not say anything.", Jinsu looked away from the thrilled two guys. "No! You finally gave in! A man doesn't take back his words!" Taewoo took Jinsu's face and twisted his face to look at him. A loud crack was heard, it was Jinsu's neck. Jinsu hissed in pain. "Omg! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you!" Taewoo immediately apologized and goes besides Minjae who was chuckling on theback. "Alright, alright! I'm going to tell you after work!" Jinsu said that while holding his neck. It must have hurt alot. "But that's like in 9 hours!", Taewoo proclaimed. "Wait for 9 hours or never.", Jinsu answered. The shop became silent for a few seconds, you can even hear the sound of the fridge. Taewoo looks so irritated, this is so not like him. He usually keeps his cool and stays as cheerful as possible. "Ok I'll wait." Taewoo calmed himself down. "But what am I gonna do for 9 hours?!", Minjae butted in. Evenn though Minjae's figure is manly, he sometimes act cutely.

"Go home then come back again." Taewoo shook his hand showing a shoo sign.

"Is that how you treat a friend who is visitng you?!", Minjae pinched Taewoo's nose. His nose became as red as strawberry. "Hyung! It hurts! Now my nose stings!" Taewoo mumbled while holding his cute red nose. "Well unless you want to wait 9 hours in the shop. I'm sure boredome will kill you." Jinsu added. "Yah... you guys want me out of this shop that badly?" Minjae frowned. "You stupid Hyung stop being so dramatic! It doesn't suit you!" Taewoo pinched Minjae's cheeks as a revenge for his nose. "Fine! I'll stay here and I'm going to disturb you!!!" Minjae crossed his arms.

As the time passes, the store got busier and busier. The cashier was filled with customers. The line is about 3m long. Minjae had no choice and helped Jinsu in the cashier. He's the one who places the things in plastic. It went on like that until at least 6:30 pm. As the night came the store started to loosen up and the customers got fewer. Eventually, there were no more and it's already the closing time. Jinsu ordered him to sweep once again the floor, so that it'll be neat clean in the next morning.

It was already the closing time, Minjae is exhausted even though he's not even supposed to work in the shop. Taewoo changed his clothes and came out right away again. He hadn't forgotten about his purpose for the day, 'Yoomin's past'. Jinsu insisted to lend Minjae a change of T-shirt, coz he probably sweata lot. "Let's go to a nearby cafe, and we'll talk there." Jinsu suggested,"but I needto go upstairs for awhile. Wait for me in frontof the shop", Jinsu went straight upstairs. He put his key on the keyhole and opened the door.

"Aack!", Jinsu jumped out shock. He saw a girl behind the door.It was Yoomin, she was sleeping behind the door. But the question is, whywas she sleeping in that kind of place. Jinsu slowly and carefully held her in his arms and brought her into her bed. He slowly put her down on her bed in orderfor her not to wake up. He also puts a blanket over her to prevent her from catching a cold.

Jinsu goes to his room and changed his clothes as well, and he didn't forgot to bring Minjae a T-shirt for him. He turned off the lights and locked the door. He also joins Taewoo and Minjae downstairs. Jinsu gave Minjae the T-Shirt. Minjae accepted it and just changed on spot. Without being embarassed he started to undress. In front of the shop he was half-naked. Displaying his nice figure, a hard chocolate abs and his firm biceps. He doesn't seem to care if someone could see him or not.

"Let's go!", Minjae shouted as if nothing happened. The other 2 were left speechless and dumbfounded. But they didn't dare to say something and just pretended to forget about what has just haopened. They just moved forward and went to the nearby cafe. They walked about 15 minutes long and arrived to the nearest cafe. Those 3 guys entered the store and a cute guy with puppy eyes welcomed them. His eyes were glowing, his nose was so cute that looked like a T-rex's. "Welcome", the short waiter said. He led them to a free table. Everyone followed the waiter.

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