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CHAPTER 8: Umbrella

- Yoomin's POV -

Taewoo and I escaped from Kiseok's teasing. Without noticing, I was still holding Taewoo's hands. Not even one of us noticed it, until Taewoo glanced down and saw his hand wrapped in my hand together. I also looked down on our hands, my small hand completely wrapped Taewoo's. Both of us looked higher, until we see each other's faces and looked straight at each other's eyes. Our faces slowly started to get reddish, our hands started to sweat. I only realized it now and quickly let go of his big hand "I-I'm sorry!". I flushed and looked away from Taewoo, tries to hide my embarrassment. My cheeks were so hot and red, it was the first time to hold a guy's hand other than my brother's. "Uh...", Taewoo also looked the other way "I-It's ok..." both of us blushed and felt awkward. We tried to calm ourselves up, for us to be able to look or at least talk with each other normally again.

His hands were so big, how couldn't I noticed that I was holding his hand. Why did I even grabbed his jands in the first place? I could just ask him to leave the shop and escape from umma. Looking back at it now, the texture, the size or is it the feeling? It's entirely different ftom my brother. I thought every hands are the same. But, this incident proved me wrong. The feeling of his hand still lingers in mine. Even though we don't hold hands anymore, it still feels like as if I am still holding his hand. This has given me a sudden shock , as if an electric current runs through my spine. What was that? I should calm myself down, for some reason my heart started to twitch. Calm yourself down Yoomin, calm down. Just think that you just touched a dog, yeah, right, a dog.

After pulling ourselves up together, a conversation finally started,"He lives near the bakery in XXXstreet right?", I started to talk to break the awkwardness wall surrounding us. "Eh, how did you know that it's somewhere in that street?", Taewoo looked at me suspiciously, his eyes looked so glossy all of a sudden because of some unknown reason. Damn. I slipped, he's suspecting me! This nervousness is killing me! Why am I even hiding the fact that I met him? And vice versa, why did je made up some story. As if we did something bad. It's not like we meet up to kill someone or to rob a bank. Such an unneeded, unwanted fake alibi.

Taewoo already knows that I'm hiding something. There's no use lying on him, I don't even want to lie to him. Why would I become someone I hate the most, liars? Minjae and I haven't done something to be ashamed of. Just tell the truth! Why am I even trying hard to hide it? Just say the truth before it even becomes a rumour. But, I'm sure he's not the type of person who starts a rumour or gossips. So just tell him!

After thinking for a rather long time we already walked for 15 minutes. I just followed Taewoo's footsteps and after I cleared up my mind, I decided to tell him the story in my point of view. "A-actually..." I started to talk to him, he was walking in front of me, after hearing a word from me, he turned back to me and stared at me. He looks like he's eager to know the truth. "I'm actually, probably, surely the reason he caught a cold. ", I continue telling him what really happened. He just looks at me, with a confused face. I'll just tell him everything.

"The day you first saw Kiseok oppa, that was the day I met Minjae but that was a mere coincidence. I went for a run in the morning, when it started to. I haven't got any umbrella with me so I went to the nearest park to take a shade. I waited for the rain to stop under the slide, but it didn't. That's where Minjae found me. He gave me his umbrella I declined him at first but he just forced it on me and he said that he lives near that park. That's the whole story.", after telling him the story, I took a deep breath. Taewoo just smiled at me, again those eyes it's shining again. "Why are you smiling?", I asked him I mean what's so funny about what I said?

"No, it's just. I'm happy because you're slowly opening up to me. Normally you'll say "none of your business" or just say nothing.", said Taewoo while grinning so idiotic.

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