04 | Meeting Once Again

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"Always beaming," Amanda chuckled into the phone. "She's so happy Marianne's getting married— every time we have our afternoon tea dates, she's practically bouncing off the walls."

"Why can I picture that in my head?" Grinned Alana, leaning back in her seat. Julia, Tyler, and Miranda were talking quietly amongst themselves in the seats next to her and behind her.

"We all know how Helen gets when she gets excited."

Alana could hear distant murmuring coming from her mother's end of the phone. Her mother laughed before speaking into the phone again.

"Anyways, I've got to go, honey. Your father isn't leaving the buffet table and Noodle's having a fit— something about your old man embarrassing her in front of the Pierce boys. Can you believe it? She's only 15 and she's already thinking about impressing boys," her mother tsked. Alana could practically see her mom shaking her head with distaste. "Imagine your dad finding out about this— he'll be grounding her until she's 30."

Alana chuckled, meeting Daniel's twinkling eyes in the rearview mirror. "Mom, she's at the perfect age of dating. Let Noodle have her fun."

"Considering she has over a million followers on Instagram at 15, I'm sure she's having a ton of fun," her mother snorted. "Mostly horny little shits if you're asking me."

"Mom!" Exclaimed Alana, snorting at the vulgar language her mom was using. "To be fair, mom, you have over a million as well."

"And that's why I'm also having fun," her mother said before she was interrupted.

"Mom, can you please get dad away from the buffet table."

Alana grinned when she heard Kimberly wail through the phone in distress. Oh, how she missed her little sister's whining.

"Alright, alright," her mother let out a loud exasperated sigh. "I'll see you soon sweetie and tell Daniel to drive safely."

"Daniel, mom said to make sure not to crash the car," Okay, she may have twisted her mom's words a bit, and based on his eye roll, it seemed like Daniel knew as well. "You're transporting precious cargo here."

Daniel rolled his eyes before yelling, so her mother would be able to hear. "I'll make sure she gets there in one piece, Mrs. Sommers."

"Hear that mom? No need to worry," reassured Alana, winking at her manager. "I'll see you in a bit, mom. Love you."

"Love you, too, sweetie."

The call ended with a smile playing on Alana's face. She was excited for Marianne, yet she couldn't help but feel nervous as well. She wondered how many familiar faces she would see again.

She just hoped she would be able to play nice, just like she had promised Marianne.

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Alana stood at the front door of Marianne and Jayce's new home, anxiety filling the root of her body. Daniel had asked if she was alright going in herself, knowing full on how nerve-racking it would be for her to see the people she hadn't seen for years.

And after her repeating that she was going to be fine about 30 times, he reluctantly drove off, intending to drop the trio off before coming back— most likely for the free food.

"Alana! You're here."

The door opened and immediately a pair of warm arms pulled her in for a hug. She smiled as she recognized Helen Pierce's familiar perfume.

"Hi, Mrs. Pierce," smiled Alana, embracing the woman. She couldn't remember the last time she had seen the older woman, but she definitely was happy to see her again. "It's so good to see you."

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