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I'm backkkkk!!!!

Enjoy 😊

The mystery man I bumped into takes me to the kitchen,or at least I'm hoping it's the kitchen and not somewhere they'll kill at.

"What's your name?"I ask out of curiosity even tho I have an idea of what it is,

"Xan you?"he asks back

I don't even know why he asked,I'm guessing he already knows

"I'm Stella,nice to meet you"I say confidently not wanting to make myself look like the broken girl that I actually am.

"Pretty name for a pretty girl"he says making me cringe

"Ew sorry that was weird"he says with a shy smile and a tint of red to his cheeks.

"Are you blushing!"I ask surprised because he didn't seem like the shy type,not that I've met many guys but I've seen a few new guards.but let me say they didn't last long...

"No"he says shortly and walks faster

"I know Your lying but okay"I say with a small shrug

"I'm not lying,and I suggest you stop talking or you won't get any food"he says with a serious expression

That instantly shut me up,I don't have many weaknesses but the ones I do have are extremely important to me.

One is obviously food

And the other will be found out eventually.

We walk for awhile and we finally reach the kitchen

It's huge,when I say huge I mean huge.

I walk to the fridge and scan over everything

I find nothing so I move to the cabinets

I find Nutella,peanut butter and some bread and I make me a sandwich

I sit down and munch on it.i look up to see Xan staring at me

"What are you staring at?,do I have something on my face?"I say obviously frustrated

He chuckles "no your just beautiful"he says with a look I've never seen before.


No I don't even know him!

And he doesn't know me

I'm probably just reading him wrong 🙄

I huff but continue eating

"You know when someone compliments you,your supposed to say thank you"he says,his voice laced with anger

"Whatever,I didn't enjoy your compliment and I don't have to say thank you"I say getting up and walking away

As I'm walking away One thought comes to mind

What am I doing!?!

Sorry o haven't put a chapter up in awhile!,I was busy with school and apt of other things

I hope you enjoyed

Piece ✌️

Next 👇

-shyanne 🖤

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