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Xans pov-


I haven't even known her for long and I care so much for her

I just want to hold her

To hear her laugh

For her to make breakfast for everyone partly because her food is delicious and everyone else misses her and her food would cheer them up

I just sit in the chair next to her bed holding her hand

Her very cold pale hand

Her whole body is pale,white even!

I wish is was me instead of her

"I wish it really was" I say before getting up and walking out the door

I see (again I forgot there names 😭I got to go over that and write them down) everybody outside of her room

There either leaning against a wall,sitting in chairs or sitting on the floor and I think some people are in the cafeteria

I know a lot of people haven't left the hospital

They haven't showered,or eaten in these 3 days

And I'm not gonna lie,I haven't either

I just can't help but feel guilty

Guilty that I let her come with me

Guilty that she got shot

Guilty that it's all my fault

"Hey I know you haven't been eating,and I know u don't want to by I brought u a water"a nurse says with a small grin on her face

"Thanks"I say taking the water then walking away

"Hey! That it? U don't want my number!?"She yelled shocked

"No"no was my blunt answer


"Because I have a girlfriend"

"Come on,we both know u don't! So why don't u take me out or something"

"Actually I do,her name is Stella and she's a patient here actually!"

"Ew why her?! She's so ugly"

"Say it again I dare u!"I threatened in a deadly low voice

"SHES UGLY! Why would u choose that over me!?!"

"The real question is why would I choose u over her"I say with a small smirk And walk away

Okay this was really dumb but whatever 🤷‍♀️😌🤚🏼

Next one out soon 👇🏼

-shyanne 🖤

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