Chapter 9: Old Past, Brand New Future

Start from the beginning

"You mean aunt and uncle?" I corrected.

"Yeah, them." Hannah nodded.

"Well that's them. The famous Andersons." I said sarcastically.

"They seem nice, like they really care about you. You should go back." Hannah suggested.

I only stared at her in disbelief. Go back? And do what? Act like everything's okay? And nothing happened?

"I mean they obviously love you. Can't you go back to them?" Hannah seemed confused.

"No way am I going back. I want to find my real parents and family." I muttered.

"Okay, fine. But, at the very least you're letting them know you're okay." Hannah ordered.

"They're fine." I insisted.

"It wasn't a question. Let's go to their house, and leave a note to let them know." Hannah said fiercely, like this was something she cared about.

"I'll just text them on my phone." I said dismissively.

"Get it out then." Hannah stared at me intently.

I quickly dug my hand back into my backpack, and took out my phone. I opened it to the messages app. Who should I text? Certainly not my aunt or uncle. Maybe Mia or Lily? No, they'll demand details. What about Amelia? Yeah, she's the perfect one to message. She won't ask for any other information! I hope...

"I'm going to message my sister, no sorry cousin. Amelia. She was the girl at the end." I told Hannah.

Hannah nodded. I pulled up Amelia's profile. Strangely, there were only a few messages from her since I left. I quickly typed out a response.

Me: Hey sister. It feels weird to still call you that, but I guess it doesn't change us that much. Or at least I hope not. I just wanted to let you know I'm fine. I love you.

I sent the message.

"Are you sure she'll get that? Can you really trust that phone thing?" Amelia questioned.

"Yeah, she'll get it. Haven't you ever seen a phone before?" I was confused.

"No." Hannah almost seemed upset.

The trees swayed slowly in the wind. The sun shone brightly on the grassy clearing. This was the woods behind our house... And it was absolutely beautiful! I sat in the grassy clearing, watching the flowers dance in the warm breeze. Amelia burst into the clearing. She was fourteen, and I was thirteen.

"There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you sister!" Amelia called.

I stood up and brushed the dirt off my pale yellow blouse with my hand.

"Hello? Earth to Evelyn!" Amelia sounded impatient.

I looked over at her.

"You can't just leave whenever you want!" Amelia scolded.

"I asked Mom if I could play outside." I defended myself quietly, but loud enough to be heard.

"Did you ask if you could go in the woods? I bet not!" Amelia insisted.

I only walked to the other side of the clearing, and gently touched the tree trunk. The bark was nice and smooth. I guided my finger on the trunk ever so softly.

"You're so lucky you showed me your secret place!" Amelia said as if she was making a point.

"It wouldn't make a difference." I retorted so softly I wasn't sure Amelia even heard.

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