Chapter 14: I Feel as if I Know You

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"Who are you?" Kylie stared at Hannah, Atlas, and Henry blankly.

I quickly squirmed my way out of the unexpected hug, and rushed over to them.

"These are my friends. They came here with me," I explained quickly.

Kylie nodded. For some reason, I felt as if I knew these people. Almost as if we had these conversations before.. It was so weird!

"Come in, all of you!" Kylie ordered light heartedly.

Hannah hurried her younger siblings in. We all stood just inside while Kylie examined us with her eyes. Her hand seemed to prop her chin up as she stood. None of her muscles moved, only her eyes scanned us.

"You're probably scaring them Ky," The man who I assumed was Joshua said.

"I'm not Joshy!" Kylie pouted.

Joshua rolled his eyes, and turned to the others.

"What's your guy's name and ages?" Joshua gave a friendly smile.

"I'm Hannah, and these are younger siblings Atlas and Henry," Hannah replied, glancing around nervously.

"They all look half starved! Come on now! All of you follow me!" Kylie ordered , grabbing my arm and leading me to what I assumed was a kitchen or dining room.

Hannah and her siblings followed. We came to a dining area. A huge bowl filled with spaghetti sat in the middle of a wooden table. I gaped at it.

"What's that stuff in the bowl?" Atlas squeaked.

"That's spaghetti. Haven't you had it before?" Kylie asked, looking surprised.

"Nope!" Atlas shook her head.

Kylie looked shocked for a moment, before shoving me in a seat. She then proceeded to try to shove everyone else into a seat, which didn't turn out too well. Hannah kept scooting away from her, pulling Atlas and Henry along while eyeing Kylie suspiciously. They finally settled after everyone else had. Once everyone was seated, Kylie scooped out four big plates of spaghetti. She placed one in front of each of us.

"For us?!" Atlas eyed the food excitedly.

"Yes, eat up there's plenty!" Kylie gave her a wide smile.

Atlas attempted to use her fork to eat the food, but when she couldn't figure out how to use it she just dug her hands in. Henry didn't even try to use the fork; he just used his hands.

"Well then, I'm assuming you kiddos are staying the night?" Kylie looked down at us.

"If it's okay with you, miss?" Hannah asked politely.

"It's fine with me," Kylie reassured.

"Ky, why don't you take Annie and Calvin upstairs to clean up their rooms? It's like a herd of cattle were in those rooms," Joshua suggested.

"Alright! Come kiddos, time to clean up!" Kylie exclaimed.

Annie groaned while Calvin crossed his arms. Kylie grabbed each of them by the arm, and dragged them away. Joshua turned to Hannah and I.

"You two aren't going to eat?" Joshua motioned towards the untouched plates of spaghetti.

I quickly grabbed my fork, and began to eat. Hannah mimicked me. Joshua only stared at us intently.

"How long are you planning on staying?" He finally asked.

"I-we don't really know," I mumbled.

"Well nonetheless, one of you is going to have to explain some things," Joshua said.

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