Chapter 2: Am I Really a Background Character?

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     I looked out the window. All I could see was blurs of trees and houses. Was Amelia going that fast? No she won't be. Right? Going to the amusement park wasn't that important! A big tree came into view. For a moment I was fascinated. The trunk was easily 10 times a normal trunk and the branches were spread out 5 times the trunk. The leaves were beautiful shades of reds, oranges and yellows not a brown or green leaf in sight. I slipped out of reality and into my mind.

I was happily sitting on Mia's bed while Lily and Mia sat on the floor.

"What are we going to do? I'm so bored!" Lily flopped down on the floor.

"Me too! Got any ideas, Evelyn?" Mia groaned.

"No." I glanced at the bed.

"We could go to our secret place?" Lily sat up and glanced at Mia and me.

Mia smiled. Lily smirked. I couldn't help but give a smile of agreement too. Within moments we were getting our coats on and boots on. Lily ran out the door. Me and Mia trampled after her. We ran to a big tree. The leaves were absolutely beautiful. Lily boosted Mia into the tree and then did the same to me. I grabbed Lily's hand and pulled her into the tree.

"Race you up!" Mia hollered shooting up the branches.

"Hey! No fair!" Lily shot up after her.

I climbed more slowly, testing each branch before climbing onto it. I slowly caught up to Lily and Mia, who were sitting on a branch. They pulled me onto the branch. I sat on the branch between them. We all stared at the sky, arguing about what animals the clouds looked like.

I snapped back to reality. It has been such a long time since we climbed that tree! Wait! Are we going into Lily and Mia's neighborhood? I didn't know of another tree like that one anywhere else!

"Amelia? Are we picking up Lily and Mia too?" I asked.

"Hooray! You finally got it! We are parked between their houses after all!" Amelia exclaimed sarcastically.

I looked outside. We were indeed outside of their houses. Lily and Mia were both walking towards the car quickly. Smiles on their faces.

"Why'd you invite them?" I asked suddenly.

"They're your friends, sister. Why wouldn't I invite them? Plus, they were Plan B." Amelia explained.

"Plan B?" I was puzzled.

"Just in case you didn't want to come." Amelia said quickly as Mia and Lily got into the car.

"Evelyn! I didn't know you would ever go to an amusement park!" Lily exclaimed happily.

"Me neither!" Mia beamed.

"Well I wanted to try something new." I shrugged.

"You? Something new? That is really new!" Mia laughed.

Lily and Amelia joined in laughing. I gave a forced giggle. We left for the amusement park. Mia and Lily talking about boys. Amelia joined in quite a lot. I joined in with a few comments.

We pulled into the parking lot, paid for our tickets and were standing in front of a ride.

"This one's really fun!" Lily assured.

I stared at the ride. It was a UFO type thing and it was spinning really fast.

"It doesn't look so fun." I mumbled.

"Oh come on! I rode it when I was 7!" Mia grabbed my hand.

"It's okay, Evelyn. Personally, not my favorite but it's a good ride." Amelia explained.

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