Tired of Fighting

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When Reagan's boyfriend walked into the bakery, I wasn't surprised. Reagan is not the type to be alone. Throughout her whole life she has always had a male companion by her side whether it was her dad, Terrell, Sammie, or myself. She's gonna always feel like she needs  a protector whether she knows it or not. On the other hand, Rae is a great catch, why would she be single for long?

I wasn't surprised but I was a little hurt. It kind of shot down my hopes of getting back with Rae.  He helped her find something that I made her lose....her smile. I give props to any man that keeps Reagan happy, she deserves to be happy.

When I made it back to my mom's house I straightened things up and brightened up the place. Reagan texted me and said that she would bring some groceries over and cook for the three of us.

"Momma!" I called out, when I heard her shuffling around in her room.

"Stop all that yelling in my house boy." My mom snapped.

"My bad, mom." I said, walking into her room. "I have a surprise for you.It'll be here any minute now."

"I don't feel like receiving any surprises." she sighed.

"Trust me mom. This is a surprise that you're going to like." I tried to assure her with a smile.

    Right before she could respond, the doorbell rung.

"Why don't you go answer the door, ma." I instructed her with a smile.

   I followed behind her as she made her way to the front door. When she opened the door Reagan was standing there.

 "Reagan?" My mom asked in disbelief.

"Hey Ms. Teresa." Reagan greeted with a beaming smile.

     Without uttering another word they embraced each other tightly. The open display of emotion expelling from the both of them was almost too much for me. I walked out to Rae's car to retrieve the groceries in an effort to calm my emotions and allow them their moment.  When I returned to the living room  they were both seated on the couch wiping the tears from their eyes.

"Well let me get started on dinner." Rae, said rising from her seat.

"Nuh uh. You sit here and relax. I may be sick but that does not and will not stop me from making home cooked meals." My mom fussed. Rae simply raised her hands in defeat. There was no arguing with my  mom. What she said was law.

Mom exited the living room into the kitchen, leaving Rae and I to our awkwardness. She played around on her phone while I played with my fingers.

"Soooo what have you been up to lately?" Rae, asked suddenly.

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