Epilogue Part 1

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"Allen, its time to wake-up hun. It's your first day of kindergarten." I said cheerfully as I caressed my son's forehead.  

"But mommy I don't wanna go no more. Can I go to the studio with daddy?" he asked, hiding under the covers.  

"If you go to the studio with daddy then you won't be able to make new friends at school." I reasoned.  

"I don't want new friends. Uncle Taj is my friend." He said, popping his head from under the covers and pouting.  

"Well I think Uncle Taj would be disappointed that he can't take his friend to his first day of school this morning." I said to him.  

"Uncle Taj is here?!" He asked excitedly, standing up on the bed.  

"Mhm. He's in the livingroom waiting with daddy." I told him, nodding his head. His obsession with his Uncle Taj is adorable. 

"Come on, mommy? What's taking you so long to dress me?" He said seriously.  

"Little boy if you don't go somewhere." I said with a giggle. "Let's go wash your face and brush your teeth."  

"Rae? Where you at?" I heard Tai call me from our bedroom.  

"Yes, babe? I'm in Allen's room, helping him get dressed." I called out to him. Within a few seconds he appeared in the doorway.  

"Good Morning, buddy." he greeted Allen with a huge smile. He was proud of his little boy. From the day Allen exited the womb, the two have been inseparable.  

"Good Morning, daddy!" Allen greeted his daddy with a toothless grin. After I buttoned the last button on his shirt, he ran into his daddy's arms.  

"Daddy, I'm a big boy now. I'm going to school." he said, puffing his little chest out.  

"Slow down, buddy. Its just kindergarten. If you get too big then daddy gon' be sad." Tai said, sticking his bottom lip out.  

"It's apart of life, daddy." he said, making me giggle and Taison clutch his chest as if he hurt him to his heart. 

"Allen you just hurt daddy's feelings." I said, playing along.  

"Ok I slow down. I'll take my time." he said.  

"You promise?" Tai asked.  

"I promise." he said with a smile.  

"Cool, well let's hit the road, buddy. You don't want to be late. Uncle Taj is waiting for you." Taison said, pointing towards the door. Allen immediately ran out of the room to find his uncle.  

"That boy is something else." Taison said with a chuckle and following me into our bedroom.  

For the first time throughout this whole process of getting Allen prepped for starting school,  I was getting a little emotional.  

"What's wrong, Rae?" Tai asked, noticing that I was rather quiet.  

"I'm just not ready to see our little man grow up." I said, shaking my head. 

"I know...it's hard for me too. But look on the brightside. Its a milestone and at least he's made it thus far." He offered with a smile.  

"You're right. We're doing a pretty good job." I said with a smile, wrapping my arms around his torso. 

"Of course we are. We're the Legend's." He said popping his collar.  

"You're so cocky." I said, lightly pushing him in his chest.  

"I know." He said. "Now let's go Mrs.Legend. We're making Allen late." He said hitting me on the butt.  

"What I tell you? Its Reagan Christina Jackson-Legend. Get it right." I said, rolling my neck playfully. 

"Don't get put on time out....Again" Tai said with a serious expression on his face although, I knew he was playing.  

 "Okay, Okay. I'm sorry." I said through my giggles. "I like being a Legend." I said before kissing him on his lips.  


"Mommy can I ride with Uncle Taj? Pretty please? " Allen begged when we walked into the livingroom.  

     I looked to Tai for an answer and he nodded his head.  

"Sure." I said before we filed out the house. 

     By the time we got to Allen's school, I was in full blown tears. I couldn't believe it. My baby was going off to school which meant I'd be alone during the day. I tried to hide it before we met up with Allen and Taj but I failed horribly.  

"Mommy why you crying?" Allen asked, wiping the tears from my face. "You supposed to be happy."  

"I am happy, buddy. They're happy tears." I explained. 

"Ok. Cause I want you to be happy for me." he said, placing his hand on his chest and making me giggle.  

"I am happy for you." I assured him.  

"Now gimme some sugar." he said, tapping his cheek. I kissed him before laughing.  

He's a mess. He got that from his daddy. He's literally a mini vision of Taison.  

"Come on, buddy. Your class is lining up." Tai called to him.  

"We'll see you later Allen." Taj, Taison and I said in unison, waving him off.  He waved as he ran off to line up with his classmates. 

"You're such a crybaby." Taj said with a smirk.  

"Whatever. That's my baby." I said, pushing him slightly.  

"Anyways. I gotta get to school. I just had to see my lilhomie off in his first day." Taj told me and Taison. 

"Alright, man. We'll let him call you later. Or you can stop by after you get out of school." Taisonoffered. 

 "I'll stop by. Peace, ya'll." Taj said, giving me a hug and dapping Tai.  

"You ready to go to this parents meeting?" I asked Tai. He nodded before grabbing my hand and walking toward the classroom.  

When we entered the room we found seats toward the back of the classroom. Tai had to be to work soon and we didn't know how long this meeting would take. I looked around the classroom silently until I felt Tai nudge me.  

"Baby ain't that yo ex?" he said nodding toward the hallway.

Comments! Isn't Allen adorable? Why is Ricky at the parents meeting? Ricky's Point of View is next!

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