Epilogue Part 2

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"Harmony, mommy and I have to go to the parent meeting." I told my daughter.

It was hard leaving her but she was a big girl now and I know she can function on her own.

"Mommy and daddy will be right here to pick you up after school." Harmony's mom assured her. She nodded her head with a smile.

"Alright, see you later, sweetie." I said one last time,kissing her on her forehead.

"Bye daddy." she waved as I walked with her mom towards the room where this introductory parent meeting was being held.

When we walked into the classroom, it was rather full. The only seats were two at the back of the classroom near the door. As we got closer to those seats I noticed a familiar face.

It was that Taison guy which meant Rae wasn't too far away. I immediately noticed that she was seated right next to him.

"Wassup Rae." I greeted Reagan. She looked up at me after grabbing Taison's hand.

"Hey Ricky." she said simply.

"Wassup Ricky." Taison greeted cordially.

I responded with a nod because after all this time I'm still a little salty about the way things went down between Rae and I and that this dude became her automatic superman.

"What are you doing here? Teaching a children's dance class?" Reagan asked me.

I shifted uncomfortably because the reason I'm here is only going to solidify why Rae and I aren't together today.

"Nah. My daughter started kindergarten today." I revealed.

"Daughter?" Reagan asked as a frown overtook her face. Her eyebrow raised when India came and took a seat beside me. Before I could explain, the principal of the school started to talk.

All throughout the meeting my attention was focused on Rae. I needed to explain to her what happened. Midway through the meeting, I saw her and Taison get up to leave. I waited a few seconds before following behind them.

"Reagan! Wait up!" I yelled as I caught up to them in the parking lot.

They both turned around and looked at me. Reagan immediately started to walk again but, I watched as Taison pulled her back. He whispered something in her ear, she nodded and he walked to his car and pulled off.

"What do you want?" she asked me, when I walked closer to where she was standing.

"I can explain, Rae." I said. She raised her hand so that I wouldn't speak any further.

"Explain what? And why? It's not going to change anything. What do you think think I'm going to do? 'Oh Ricky gave me a bomb explanation so I'm going to leave my son and husband to go back to him.'" she said with a sarcastically .

"When did you become like this?When did you become such a bitch?" I asked her, pissed off at how cold she was being.

"Excuse me?!" She scoffed. "I didn't become a bitch, I became numb to the bull you continue to deal out. I became smart enough to recognize that none of this is even about me! It's all about your satisfaction! What makes Ricky feel good. None of this is about Reagan! Reagan's happiness and feelings aren't a factor at all! That's why I couldn't careless about how your daughter came into existence. It's obvious anyway. You slept with your receptionist. The same chick that was laid up on my couch with you while I was away." She said before pausing and shaking her head.

"Go to hell, Ricky." She spat.


"Just stop!" She yelled, as I noticed tears fall down her face. "You hurt me enough and all you're doing now is pouring salt in the wound. Leave me alone! We're done. We've been done. The only reason I stopped to listen was because Taison advised me to face my problems instead of running from them or they'll forever chase me. Goodbye Ricky." She said finally before walking away.

"I'm sorry." I whispered. "I'm sorry....."

And scene! To Our Own Beat is finally over. There's no more Rae and Ricky. This story was full of ups and downs.
With this story I learned that good things come to an end sometimes and you can't take everyone at face value. The first person to have your back can be the first person to stab you in your back. It's that serious.

So what did ya'll learn?

What do ya'll wanna see me write next?

Leave your ideas and any comments!

I love ya'll❤️ thanks for all your support. I couldn't have done the Banks-Jackson trio without ya'll!

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