11. Take Me To Church

Start from the beginning

“It’s not hard work to fuck a beautiful woman” are the first words that come out of my mouth while we stare each other out, Jasmin looks up at me, her big eyes watering and I just want to whisk her away and love on her until she forgets his hurtful words.
The same hurtful words that might have come from my lips if I hadn’t kept a lid on it and remained silent two nights ago.

Despite the fact that she’s made me furious for not warning me what was waiting for me when I got to her home today I still want to protect her and keep her safe.

“You were not my choice for her” these two have lost me for a second until I remember the night we met, this links back to then, his emphasis on the word ‘my’ shows this whole thing was about him controlling her with his choice.
Danny who didn’t even show up. Fucking dick.

“Can’t imagine I’d be anyone’s first choice for someone who deserves much better” is my reply.

“But then again if Jasmin fell in shit she’d come up smelling of roses, how lucky she was to fall on the dick of a famous, multi millionaire” he spits out sarcastically at me, her sharp intake of breath beside me indicates he’s not alluded to his feelings of her taking the control in this situation.

For once he’s rendered me speechless and if one of us doesn’t put a stop to this, I’ll end up throwing my fists around and in this situation that would not look good.

This is about to turn into a dick waving contest, a contest I’d win obviously.

“He knows everything Marshall, we don’t have any secrets” Jasmin sounds timid beside me and its not a tone of voice I recognise from her, I don’t like it and I don’t like the fact that he knows everything and I know precious little.

“But I’m kept in the dark?” my voice is a little more shrill than I’d like but I’m getting wound up by these two now. Jasmin looks down at her feet while Jack smirks at me, thinking he has the upper hand.

“Is this some kind of game for you both?” I’m about ten seconds from walking out of this shit show. Is this something they’ve cooked up between themselves for amusement? does this bastard get his kicks this way now?

“Not at all Marshall, my wife has needs and by the sounds of it, you just about satisfy them, if I wasn’t paralysed it’d be my dick she would still be happily bouncing on.” I tell you this fucker has no shame.

“Jack, please stop” Jasmin speaks before I can answer, taking that step towards him, Jasmin takes my hand in hers and pulls me back, squeezing briefly, begging me not to start a fight with a man who can’t defend himself, his tongue could cut through fucking glass though its that sharp.

“I’m tired Jazz, put me to bed and Marshall, keep making my wife happy,  but don’t you ever forget who she belongs to” this fucker better wheel himself off before I hit the headlines for decking him.

“Wait here, please...... Please Marshall” Jasmin asks before walking over to him and pushing him back through the doorway he came from giving me ample time to stew in the fury building inside of me.
The door is open slightly and I find myself looking through the gap watching as she disconnects various tubes from his wheelchair, reconnecting them to the bed and then she lifts him, that tiny woman arranges him and lifts that fucker, manages to get him in the bed, some of my anger limps away at the sight of her caring for him untill I can’t watch them any longer, so I look around and spotting several photos I wander over, no wonder she can lift him, he’s a shadow of him former self.

Handsome fucker can see why she fell for him, I look nothing like he did back then, he’s all tall, tanned, square jawed and muscles. I guess maybe his muscles have wasted away now, due to lack of use and I feel sad, sad for Jack and for Jasmin.
He was obviously used to doing so much, sports and she said they went on adventures together, there’s a photo of them paragliding somewhere exotic.

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