19. Never Had A Friend Like Me.

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The problem with having a secret relationship was that you couldn’t without attracting attention to your secret relationship say no when your manager tells you he’s flying in from New York to see you and he wants to see you that day for business, my day with Jasmin had to be sacrificed and she was perfect about it, she didn’t do what I would have done, no sulking, no ranting just the promise of a good time the following week. She was more of an adult than I was that’s for sure.

I sulked about my house on the Tuesday evening kicking furniture, punching pillows and throwing bits of paper like a kid.

At least it would put my daughters off the scent I reasoned with myself, I had a fear they would just show up now and find us together. Since Hailie’s little discovery those girls had never called me so much, never showed up for random visits so often. I have to admit the game of cat and mouse with them amused me no end and plus the extra baking they were doing for me was not to be passed up. Poor Hailie and Alaina were dying to question me but they couldn’t quite pluck up the courage whereas as Whitney, bold as brass had asked me outright about Jasmin as I knew she would and I was ready for that exact moment. As soon as she asked I whipped out of my wallet a prepaid voucher for the tattoo she’d been banging on about for months, Kim had said no and at the time I’d backed her mother one hundred percent but the kid was over eighteen now, so I didn’t feel bad about it at all and next I did the mature thing and pretended I didn’t hear her much to her disgust.

I knew they’d be back as a group en masse at some point to tackle me but the longer I could avoid it the better as far as I was concerned. Sure as shit I wasn’t getting away with not talking about Jasmin forever though.

Wednesday morning I did a lot of stomping, stomped around the house, stomped out to my car and stomped through the studio grunting good morning to anyone I stomped past. I stomped straight out to the games area and sat staring at my Pac- Man machine until I heard Paul’s loud ass voice booming around the studio. Doing nothing to improve my mood.

“Good Morning Butthead” he greets me and I have to stop myself from snarling at him, instead I grunt and stomp behind him into the office.

“Did you arrange this deliberately for today?” I ask, spinning annoyingly in my seat. Paul laughs “Ahhh the infamous, get your dick wet Wednesday! No not deliberately but I would have if I’d thought about it” he’s an asshole.

I watch as he gets various bit of papers and folders out of his bag laying them out on the table, groaning at the realisation any hopes I’d had for a swift exit were lost now.

“Speaking of Wednesdays Marshall, I hadn’t realised that was still continuing, last time you mentioned her was when you and Denaun went at it”

I grunt in response. None of his business frankly.

Paul pushes a piece of paper across the table towards me “She needs to sign that.”

Fury builds inside me when I pick it up noticing it’s a non disclosure agreement, I rip it up and throw the pieces back at him “No” we’ve been doing this a year, if she was the kind of woman to sell me out she would have done it by now. If I asked her she’d sign it, I know she would but she’d then question if I trusted her.

I didn’t want her to do that so there was no way after all this time I was doing that to her.

He stops and looks at me before pulling a smaller piece of paper out of his pocket and pushing that towards me too, it’s a copy of the receipt for the truck I bought “I only realised you were still seeing her after expenses ran this through me. $125000 Marshall on a fucking truck for some slut you barely know, she signs the NDA or I’ll go after her”

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