10. Can't Help Falling In Love

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At fourteen years old Jane and I were literally only interested in our ponies, every weekend, holidays and any spare time we had, we spent it at the yard. Boys weren’t even on our radar at this point in fact I would say we both looked at them with a certain distaste.
Boys were dirty, immature and mostly bought trouble with them in our young minds. In fact we were snobby little bitches really looking down on the girls who wore make up and fawned over boys, we weren’t all that nice in private towards them but we kept our thoughts to ourselves, never deliberately set out to hurt anyone.

That’s until the day Jack Dodds strolled into my math lesson late, as I was to learn later this was not unusual, Jack was always late for everything. My whole world teetered out of balance for a moment in time, I swear to this day my heart stuttered in my chest as my eyes greedily drank him in. Things started happening to my body that I really didn't recognised but felt really good whenever he was around.

Jack we learned had moved to Michigan from Sydney, Australia. He was everything the boys in my year weren’t tall, athletic, tanned and toned. He had sandy brown short hair back then and the lightest blue eyes I’d ever come across, he had a smile that could knock you back twenty feet, blinding you such was its brightness. His accent made him stand out even more and I was completely transfixed by him.

He didn’t notice me panting and my eyes following his every movement with keen interest from the back of the class, he sat in an empty seat next to the most popular girl in our school year, she fluttered her long lashes at him and they started chatting like old friends. I wanted to kill her dead. In my head I’d already staked a claim on him and when he’d walked into the cafeteria at lunch time Jane nearly choked on her salad “Holy shit, who the fuck is that?”

Sighing dreamily as I let my gaze linger upon the Australian Adonis “That’s Jack and he’ll be mine” there’s no reply from my best friend and turning to look at her I see its because she’s staring at me with her mouth wide open and a shocked expression marring her pretty features.


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“He will, will he?” she laughs, “Yeah, one day he’ll notice I exist and that’ll be it, Together forever” I don’t know where that confidence come from but I honestly believed everything I thought about him would come true and I was right exactly six months to the day since he’d joined our school he took a seat next to me in class and smiled a big, wide grin at me, shocking me into a lop sided smile that I was sure made me look like I was suffering from a stroke.
My mouth felt dry, my belly flip flopped in a weird way and I couldn’t speak,  “G’day Jasmin” I nearly passed out at the fact he knew my fucking name, I was vaguely aware of every girl in the class turning and looking at me with daggers but fuck them right! My time had come at last and with that simple greeting.

From that moment on my life took on a new exciting new turn. All of my firsts came with Jack, kisses, making love, adventures and the promise of a lifetime of great times stretched out in front of us. I never doubted us and five years later on my nineteenth birthday, we got married in Las Vegas with just our best friends there as witnesses.
Our parents were furious with us as you imagine when we returned home and they eventually when they’d stopped trying to split us apart insisted on throwing us a blessing and a big reception party for basically their friends and our families. We’d never even gotten engaged so you can imagine the consternation our spontaneous act had caused but we were sure, Jack and I were two peas in a pod, we did everything together and four years ago was our twentieth wedding anniversary.
We were so happy it felt like nothing could ever come between us and I just wanted to be him all of the time. They were the very best of times.

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