Shit, I am going to die. I need to get out of here. I need to do something.

"So you care about the people huh" the leader of unmasked gang chuckled. It was not one of those joyous chuckles, it was mean and venomous.

"Hey Matt listen ho-" my whisper was cut off by Matt's hand slapping on my lips to shut me up. What he didn't realise was that there was pin-drop silence in the room and his subtle shutting me up was not so subtle as the echo of his hand connecting with my lips rang in the whole room.

I shouldn't have spoken anything. Did I just pull one of those dumb moves that protagonists do in the novels I read do?

"Oh yay, we found our first victim." The dumb bitch with a gun smirked and moved towards me. My heart starts beating faster with each step that he took.

"Leave the girl alone." One of the masked men roared.

But that didn't stop the unmasked man to come towards me and pull me up harshly instead he laughed. I stopped breathing as I feel the cool metal of a gun touch my temple. I looked up to see one of masked man panic for a second but he masked it up quickly.

"I said let them go!" The masked man shouted and I flinched.

"Shush don't be scared kitten." The leader of the unmasked gang who has a gun pointed at me ready to smash by brain whispered close to my ears. Which wasn't a good move for me as memories of last time when a disgusting man whispered in my ear came rushing back.

Stop resisting bitch. Shut up before I kill you. Help, somebody help.

I didn't even bother moving a muscle as tear stream down my face. They were simply falling as I stand there with no expression.

"You want me to let her go how about I do it when you drop your guns." The evil man said from behind me.

"Drop them or she dies." He shouted again and screwed the barrel end of the gun in my temple.

None of the masked men made a move to do as told. I whimpered thinking this is the end of me. One of the masked man who was in very front looked at me for some seconds and then gave another masked man a look. All them then hesitantly put their guns down.

"Well kitten you made my work easy." The evil man whispered in my ears again and I chocked out a loud sob.

Before anything else could happen siren was ringing loudly and s blue and red light flashes through the window.

I was harshly shoved away and fell on the ground. It all happened so fast people screaming and running as gunshot after gunshot were heard. Two of the unmasked men added to the list of shot people in the room and the rest managed to sneak out of the back door of the restaurant before cops can reach them.

And the worst part is that as soon as people started getting out Matt ran away....without me. He straight up left me lying on the floor to fend for myself.

"Are you okay miss?" A police officer asked me. I just nodded getting up from the ground. The kind officer walked me out and wrote my statement as a witness. He offered me water but I denied.

Still in a daze, I hailed a cab, told the driver my address and leaned back getting out a deep breath and closing my eyes.

I could have died today, like seriously died. I lift my shaky hand to touch my temple. A chill went through my spine as the thought of a bullet going straight through my head crossed my mind. A tear slid down my face as I recalled how easy I am getting triggered by that unfortunate evening.

Quickly I wiped my tears and shook my head thinking to myself that, no I am strong. I am a very strong girl, nothing can break me down.

The cab came to a halt and I stepped out paying the driver. Before going in I took some time to keep my nerves calm and not to breakdown because the girls are inside.

As soon I stepped inside and shut the door two bodied attacked me, tackling me to the ground immediately knocking the wind out of me.

"Oh my God my baby Nyla is okay. Thank you God." Bree cried.

"I am never letting you go anywhere. You are not going out of my sight ever again." Laura sobbed.

"Girls get up." I strict voice said making Laura and Bree to sprang to their feet.

"Nyla honey you okay?" Mrs Brown, Laura's mother, asked me kneeling beside me. I got up in a sitting position smiling lightly at her and nodding.

"Are you hurt anywhere?" She asked cupping my face.

"No Mrs Brown. I am fine." I assured her. She gave me a look for calling her Mrs Brown when she had already asked me twice to call her Ashley but let it go immediately and helped me up.

"Nyla you are sure you are okay?" Mr Brown asked seeing me wince when Ashley pulled me up by my arm.

"Yeah I am. I sprained my arm earlier in the afternoon." I explained.

"Okay then. I will now go talk to your father." He nodded at me and started walking out before I interrupted him.

"You will also have to come down with me to the station. I am not yet 18, so they said they will have to talk to a guardian. I am sorry Mr Brown I am being such a burden." I said looking down at my hands in the middle of my sentence. It is a thing with me I can never maintain eye contact, even when there is nothing wrong and it is a casual conversation, I just cannot maintain it.

"It is okay and you are not being a burden, do not think that. Go drink water and have some rest I will take care of the police work." Mr Brown smiled at me and walked out leaving me with Mrs Brown, Laura and Bree.

"How did you all get to know about what happened?" I asked not having a clue how they know.

We all sat on the couch and they explained that it is all over the news. The restaurant I went to wasn't the only place attacked in total of four places were attacked at the same time. It seems like it was planned, nothing of this sort has happened before in Hanford at least not for the last 20 years. We turned on the news to see Mayor addressing the media assuring that the criminals involved will be behind the bars as soon as possible and there is no need for the citizens to panic. The city will be on patrol for next 36 hours. And the families of all the 9 citizens who died in today's incidents will be given lifetime privileges.

I never liked this concept. What will those families do with those privileges and money, it cannot bring back the person that they lost.

About half an hour later I somehow managed to assure Mrs Brown that I am okay and she should go to her house. She agreed but only on the condition that Laura stayed with me the night.

Bree on the other hand won't listen to a thing I said as she was adamant to stay with me. So that ended up with a sleepover full of cuddles with my two close friends and a night of dreamless sleep.

But, not before an hour phone call with my parents where dad shouted on how no one ever tells him anything and I would not have been in that dangerous place if someone had told him, because he would have not allowed me to go on a date. He also threatened to come and beat Matt up because he left me alone at the restaurant. They even tried to persuade me to come back to Canada, but I refused because I am already deep in the school term. Also, I secretly enjoy a lot here than that in Canada but I didn't say the later part out loud.


That was it for this chapter folks. Hope you enjoyed it. Don't forget to vote and comment.


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