Murder Mystery [Hurt Comfort?]

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“No, Tommy! We can’t team up,” A certain brunette said.

“What the fuck do you mean? We’ll be safer together, don’t you get it?” A heavy British accent spat back.

Tubbo sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose with his thumb and index finger, “I do, I do, but you might be the killer and I might die once we round that corner!” The boy exclaimed as he widened his eyes and pointed his finger to a corner near them in a dramatic fashion.

Tommy sighed and finally looked up with a bored expression, “Fine, have it your way.”

He spun around and shoved his hands into his pockets, walking away without looking back. Tubbo did the same, just in the other direction and pondering on whether he should say “Good luck!” to his friend or not. He decided not to.

It wasn’t even a minute when Tommy heard a very familiar scream ring throughout the whole house.

His legs ran as fast as they could towards the direction of the noise and there he saw two people standing in front of a grave. A man with a black beanie landed his blurry gaze upon the boy who had tears streaming down his face.

The boy stepped towards the stone slab and slowly crouched down, staring at the words engraved on its surface gloomily. He let out a choke as he wiped his tears onto his shirts’ sleeve.

“Hey guys, what am I late for-- oh. Oh shit,” A ravenette stopped dead in his tracks as he saw the situation spread in front of him. No one paid any attention to his arrival as Quackity solemnly trudged towards the small group huddled up together. He placed a comforting hand onto the teenagers’ shoulder and lightly squeezed it in reassurance. They stood there in silence for a few moments before Wilbur took action.

“Schlatt was here before me,” He said. The ram turned to him with a bewildered look.

“Me, kill Tubbo? What garbage,” The American scoffed. He lost his confidence as he saw the British man raise his bow.

“Sorry, but somebody needs to pay.”

In one quick second Schlatt’s motionless body dropped to the floor. Tommy looked away as Quackity covered his mouth and crouched down, staring at his now-dead friend. After a few moments, he stood up and whipped his head towards the taller male.

“And I was planning to kill him last.”

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