Getting to know the 'Family' Pt.2

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Alfred was pleasantly suprised when she giggled, a small smile appearing on his face. They walked to the counter, ordering their food. Everybody ordered their food, then Alfred started to order.      The guy at the counter recognized him, as he was a frequent customer every few months, and smiled at him. "Three big macs and two large fries, correct?" Alfred laughed, scratching the back of his head.
"That's correct, my dude!" They got their food, and sat down. The dad looked at him and gave a small laugh as Alfred started to eat. He looked up as he was on his second burger, and gave them a smile. "What? I'm not this tall for no reason, I gotta eat a lot to keep my energy up!" The brothers laughed, while the mom had a small smile. "Anyways, do you mind introducing yourselves? It would be weird to drive home with you and not know your names." The brothers looked at each other, nodding. The long haired boy started to talk, introducing him and his brother. "I'm Nick, while this is Brandon;" Brandon waved, taking a sip of his drink. Nick pointed to his parents, taking a sip of his drink as well. "That's Maria, and that's Chris. Also known as: mom and dad!" Alfred smiled, waving back to Brandon.
They finished their food, then got back into the car. Alfred told them a bit about him, why not the other way around? "So what do you guys do for a living?" Chris smiled, pointing to himself. "I work in construction, while Maria works at the local library," He then gestured to Nick and Brandon," Nick works at a restaurant, while Brandon's still in highschool." Alfred nodding, giving them a nice smile.  He felt like him and the brothers were going to talk a bit more when they got 'home', but he didn't mind. Alfred realized he still had a cat to feed at his own home, and he still had to feed him. "Dude, do you mind If we stop by my house on the way to wherever we are going, I have a cat I need to feed and I dont want him to starve-" Chris nodded, asking the address. Alfred gave it to him, and they began to drive towards his house.
"Can you park a block away just in case my brothers are there? We're kinda in a fight right now, and I dont want any of you to get involved." Chris nodded, parking the car. Alfred stepped out, gesturing for Chris to roll down his window. "This is only a precaution since they like to pop up out of the blue sometimes. The only one you can trust is the brother that looks identical to me, if you see him give me a text." Chris nodded as Alfred gave him his number, humming in confusion. Alfred began to walk in the direction of his house, putting his earbuds in.

[An. I know this ones a little short, but I'll make it up to you in the next chapter! Have any ideas on what will happen? Feel free to comment and it might end up happening~]

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