Caesar x f!Reader | Movie Day

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Requested by _Lasagne
Category: Fluff
Word Count: 684
Notes: Modern teen AU
Sorry this one's taken so long!


You reloaded the home page of (social media platform) for the millionth time this morning. When no new posts showed up, you sighed deeply. With no motivation to do anything else, you turned off your phone and curled up underneath the bedsheets. Exhaustion weighed heavy on you, yet you couldn't fall asleep.

There was a loud knock at the door. You groaned loudly. Being the only one at home today, you pulled yourself out of bed and went to see who was at the door. You peeked through the peephole; it was none other than Caesar Zeppeli. You opened the door.

"Good morning!" Caesar said, standing in your doorway with a bag of food. Oh, right, you two were supposed to have a picnic this afternoon.

"Morning," you replied flatly.

The tone of your voice told him that you weren't in a good mood.

"What's the matter?" he asked. When you didn't respond, he politely asked, "May I come in?"

"Sure." You pushed the door open more and turned around to sit down on the couch. "Make yourself at home."

He set the food down and took a seat beside you. "Y/N, is it okay if I touch you?" Once you nodded, he gently grasped your hands. "Do you want to talk about it?"

You glared at him for a moment, then sighed deeply. "I've just had a lot going on lately, okay? I'm so sorry; I know we had a picnic planned and everything--"

"Don't apologize," he interrupted. "It's okay to feel bad, Y/N. Everyone feels like shit every now and then." He smiled softly. "And I'm going to stay here until you smile."

You give him your best fake smile.

He rolled his eyes. "A genuine smile."

"Well, then, what are you going to do, Signore Zeppeli?"

He gesturd to the bag of food. "We have food; you have a TV. How about a movie day?"

You mulled it over. "Sure, why not?"

He jumped up. "You get a movie going and grab some blankets. I'll have the food ready."

As he disappeared into the kitchen, you couldn't help but smile to yourself. He was acting kind of cute.

Once everything was ready, you and Caesar sat together on the couch. (Favorite movie) began to play. Caesar scoffed and whispered, "Really?"

"It's one of my favorites," you snapped back, throwing him a fake glare.

Throughout the afternoon, you and Caesar watched movie after movie, taking turns choosing. Once nighttime rolled around, it became a competition to see who could choose the worst movies available on Netflix.

As you wheezed at The Bee Movie, you leaned closer to Caesar and set your head on his shoulder. "Oh, my God, this movie is a fever dream."

"Yep," he replied, his voice sounded strained.

"What is it?" you asked, turning your head and suddenly realizing how close your faces were. "Oh--uh, hi?"

He's so close to me. Oh, God, he's so close to me--

"What? Nervous?" he asked.

"N-No." You could feel your face heating up.

He laughed. "Great. Otherwise, I'd think you have a crush on me."

"Hold on, you were nervous just a second ago."

His face immediately turns a bright shade of red. " . . . No, I wasn't "

"Yes, Caesar, you were. Almost like--"

"Alright then, Y/N, I have a huge crush on you and would like to marry you and share my future with you."

His bluntness took you aback.

"No one beats me to the punch."

"Joseph did. He told me yesterday at school."

Caesar growled. "I swear, when I see him again, I'm going to end him."

"Aw, do you want me to kiss you and make it better?" You leaned closer.

He leaned and closed the gap between the two of you. His hands went to the back of your head and into your hair as you shared a soft kiss.

When he pulled away, you pouted at him. "Oh, amore, don't look so sad. There are plenty more where that came from."

A/N: Hi, I'm back. School is out, theatre season is over, and the writer's block that's been plaguing me for months has finally begun to go away.

Over the next few days, I'll try to finish up all the other requests I have and then open up for some new ones.

- Ash

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