Jotaro x f!Reader | Cat Ears

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Requested by stupidth0t
Category: Fluff
Word Count: 1,832
Notes: Reader is a neko


Cardboard boxes in hand, you approached the townhouse. It wasn't too far from your job, so you had opted to save some gas by walking. You balanced the boxes in one hand and knocked a few times. The caller had been a rather polite male, and you hoped to put a face to his voice.

That unfortunately wasn't how it would turn out.

A tall, muscular boy around your age answered the door. His hair was dark and covered mostly by a decorative hat. He seemed vaguely familiar until you realized who he was: Jotaro Kujo, one of the boys you went to school with. You were still the new kid, so you didn't know much about him (or anyone else really). Jotaro tended to be aloof and even rude at school, and judging by his expression, he acted the same at home as well.

"I've got your pizzas," you said quietly, offering them to him.

He made a grunting noise before accepting the pizzas.

You fought the urge to pull the drawstrings on your hoodie tight enough to completely hide your face. "Have a nice evening."

"Jotaro!" a new voice shouted from inside the house; you recognized it as the one on the phone. A redhead, Noriaki Kakyoin, appeared from behind who assumed was Jotaro. He gave you a polite smile. "I'm sorry about my friend here. He sometimes forgets his manners and can seem a bit rude, but he's . . . trying his best."

Jotaro made an indistinct noise.

Kakyoin continued, "Wait, don't I know you?"

You gave him a quick smile. "Yeah, we go to school together. Y/N L/N."

"Yeah, the new girl! Well, it's nice to finally talk to you. See you on Monday!" He then waved and gently closed the door.

You sighed and began your walk back to the pizzeria. By now, the sun was beginning to set, and you stuffed your hands in your pockets to keep them from getting cold. As the street lamps came on, you knew it would be dark by the time you got back to the pizzeria. Your mind wandered to the thought of one of the boys walking you back, but you shook that notion out of your head; they barely knew you anyway.


When Monday rolled around, you got ready for school, putting on your uniform and tying a head covering over the top of your head. You grabbed your bag, said goodbye to whoever was home, and headed off to school. School always seemed to drag on for days before you could finally go home. That wasn't quite the case today since you were assigned to clean one of the classrooms. Groaning, you headed off to the supply closet to get the broom and rags.

Upon entering the classroom, you were surprised to see Jotaro cleaning the desks. He looked up at you and made a noise before going back to wiping down the seat. You started sweeping, eager to get home. Sometimes, when you'd glance over at Jotaro, you could have swore you'd seen him avert his eyes at the last second.

When both of you were about halfway finished, Jotaro said quietly, "That place where you work, they make good pizzas."

"Yeah," you replied awkwardly. "I only do deliveries and occasionally work at the register, so I don't know how they make them."

The boy was silent for a moment before saying, "I was going to stop by there after school to get something to eat. Do you wanna go too? Kakyoin, the redheaded guy, is also going. It was his idea anyway."

You didn't know them well, but you didn't think they had bad intentions; Kakyoin was always so polite, and Jotaro just seemed to ignore everyone. "Sure."

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