Hazamada x f!Reader | Manga

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(Somebody requested this, but I can't find their account)
Category: Fluff
Word Count: 680


Morioh's local bookstore--one of your favorite places to visit after the school day. You currently are heading there, a stack of books in hand. While you could buy books there, you could also trade old ones in exchange for select books in the store. Though, the owner was rather nice and would occasionally let you grab some books that were meant to be sold rather than traded.

The bell above the door chimed as you entered.

"Hello!" you called out to the owner.

They waved at you from behind one of the many shelves of books. "Hello, Y/N. Be a dear, and come help me with this."

You set down your pile of books on the counter and joined the owner behind the bookshelf. In their arms is a large box filled with thick volumes of manga. As you helped them put the books away, the owner made idle conversation. "A boy came in about a week ago asking if we had any manga," they begin. "He was disappointed since we had a small selection, so I ordered some."

You examine one of the volumes. "Pink Dark Boy? I've never heard of this."

The owner shrugs. "I don't care as long as the kids are reading." They place the last volume on the shelf. "That should be all."

Now done with your side quest, you hand your stack of books over to the owner and go browsing through the bookshelves.

An hour passes, and you're still looking through the winding bookshelves. You don't know if your mood is just poor or if the current selection is to blame, but it begins to frustrate you. You decide to venture into the manga section.

You grab the nearest volume and inspect the cover. Not being a huge fan of manga, you don't recognize it. In fact, none of the series available looks familiar. Standing here feels plain overwhelming.

A noise from the front of the store draws your attention. "Oh, hello, we just got some more manga; it's already been put up on the shelves."

The person mutters a polite "thank you" to the store owner. You hear his footsteps nearing the manga aisle, and when he comes into view, you see that it's a short boy with long, dark hair. He doesn't seem to notice you at first. His eyes immediately go to the shelves of books, a distinct glitter in his eyes.

"Good afternoon," you say quietly.

He jumps a bit. "Oh, uh--" He clears his throat. "Hello."

You gaze back at the volumes of manga, pretending to be interested. Before he can get too distracted by the manga again, you ask him, "Got any suggestions? I'm not much of a manga reader, but I'd like to get into it."

"No problem." His eyes scan the selection before he grabs a thick volume. He presents it to you with that glitter in his eyes. "This is hands-down my favorite. Pink Dark Boy by Rohan Kishibe."

"Cool." You don't know what else to say.

"Also, just between you and me," he whispers, "the mangaka actually lives here in Morioh. I've had the chance to meet him. He's . . . odd but cool."

You accept the manga. Your hand brushes his as he gives it to you, and a bright red blush paints his cheeks. Cute. "I'm Y/N L/N."

"Toshikazu Hazamada," he replies, fidgeting with his school uniform's sleeve.

"I'll have to track you down when I finish this to compare notes." You tilt your head in thought. "How about we meet at the cafe this weekend?"

He snorts. "You think you can finish it that fast?"

"We can make our date tomorrow if you really want to test my reading speed." You laugh when he begins to stammer. "See you at the cafe at noon this Saturday then."

You purchase the volume, chatting with Hazamada the entire time. As you finally leave, a small smile breaks out on your face. Saturday can't come soon enough.

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