Josuke x f!Reader | Make a Move

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Category: Fluff
Word Count: 608



Today would be the day, or your name would no longer be (full name).

Today would be the day you'd finally confess to Josuke Higashikata that you don't want to be his friend anymore. You want to be his girlfriend.

Ever since you'd moved to Morioh from a big city, Josuke and his friends have been priceless acquaintances, helping you adjust to the new surroundings and just being there for you in general. You had repaid them for their kindness many times, whether it be making them snacks or helping them out with homework. You loved all of them. However, Josuke stuck out to you in particular.

He was always so kind and goofy. And those blue eyes of his--they were pools you could drown in and it wouldn't bother you one bit. He had never shown any romantic interest in you before, which added to the knot of anxiety building inside your abdomen. You don't have the slightest idea what he's going to say; at least you know he'll let you down easy of he isn't interested.

You decide to walk to school alone today in order to psyche yourself up. The walk to your place of learning is a long-winded pep talk, your positivity and pessimism going back and forth like your mind is a debate stage.

Josuke's a nice guy! And he joked about dating me that one time, right? He'll definitely say yes!

Okay, but what if he says no?

He doesn't have a significant other right now, and he likes talking about love and stuff . . . Why would he say no? You think I'm not good enough for him?

That last thought ended the debate. Now, as you enter the classroom, you wonder if you are someone he'd actually like more than a friend. You certainly feel that way about him, but what about how he feels? Nevertheless, you sit down in your desk beside his and pull the letter you wrote for him last night out of your school bag. You watch silently as your crush joked with Okuyasu and Koichi. When the other two walked away to talk to someone else, Josuke noticed you sitting there staring at him.

The pink blush spreading on his face doesn't go unnoticed. "Oh, hey, Y/N! I didn't notice you were here. Since you said you weren't walking with us today, I thought maybe you were sick."

You smile. "No, I just needed to clear my head." You look down at the envelope in your hands. "Um, here. This is for you."

Josuke, a confused look on his face, accepts the letter from your shaking hand. "Oh, uh, thanks . . . "

Your heart begins to race as he reads it. His face changes from confused to something entirely unreadable. Then he looks up at you. You smile awkwardly and curse your own existence. "So, umm, yeah. That's, uh--"

Josuke opens the notebook on his desk and calmly rips out several pages before wadding each one up.

"Josuke, what are--"

He immediately pelts you with a wad of paper.

You let out a shriek and duck under your desk, the boy now throwing paper wad after paper wad at you. "Ow! What the hell is that for?"

"That's for taking so damn long!" he shouts, now out of paper. He crouches on the floor and is now mere inches away from your face. Heat rushes to your cheeks. He smiles, though he's blushing as well. "Meet me at the ice cream shop after school?"

"Uh, y-yeah."

"Great. It's a date." He plants a soft peck on your cheek before going back to his desk.

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