Deucalion sighed. "I said a lot of things. But eventually, the bodies pile up so high that even a blind man can't ignore them."

"So what? You moved into a case and took a vow of uselessness?" Malia asked sarcastically.

Deucalion met her eyes. "I changed. We should all try it. And I live in a condo."

"I liked the old Deucalion better."

Tessa frowned. "I didn't."

Scott thought a moment. "Well, maybe you've changed, but Gerard hasn't. And he's not gonna stop with Beacon Hills. He's got a map with places circled. Toulouse, Brasilia..."

"Logashkino, Zhengzhou," Deucalion finished. "Nemetons of the world."

Scott narrowed his eyes. "You know him. You can outthink him, you can read him."

"You've beaten him before."

"Well, he has a lot of help now. He's got basically everyone."

Deucalion rolled his eyes. "You think Gerard's turned you into a pariah? Your power does that. You'll always be an outsider because of your abilities. Gerard wasn't the first person to capitalize on the general public's fear of the other and he won't be the last."

"So help us stop him."

"I think you've realized that stopping Gerard now means killing him. I'm sorry, Scott, that chapter in my life's over."

Malia stepped closer to Deucalion. "So that's it? You're just a pacifist now? What's gonna stop me from slashing your throat?"


Malia growled and attacked him, but he dodged her attack. "How'd you do that?"

"It's Bagua. A martial art that takes the path of least resistance."

"You think you're going to beat me without fighting?"

"I think you're going to beat yourself."

Scott and Tessa motioned for Malia to use her claws and she did so. She reached to cut Deucalion, but he spun around and moved to the side, making her miss him. He used his left hand and pushed her on her back. She fell to the ground, groaning in pain.

Malia let out a defeated nod. "Okay, you can protect yourself. But what about everyone else who doesn't know Bagua? They're just gonna get their eyes stabbed out?"

"Look what war turned me into. Your demigod friend is a warrior; a fighter. I'm not afraid to lose my eyes again. I'm afraid to lose my soul." He moved closer to the door.

"You won't help us?"

"I didn't say I wouldn't help you. I can offer your guidance. And my first piece of advice? You might need guidance to lower your standards for allies."

Scott frowned. "I thought I was."

"Lower than me."

"No," Tessa argued. "Not him."

Malia, Tessa and Scott made their way to Eichen House.

"Why did he want to meet us here?" Scott wondered.

"Why did he agree to meet at all?" Malia asked.

"Curiosity. Mostly," Peter said from the gate he was leaning on. "Tessa, cut the glare."

Scott sighed. "Okay, I need your help."

Peter frowned. "With what? Another suicide mission? Not interested." He turned to Malia. "Or do you need my help?"

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