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Stiles glanced at his wife. He and Tessa had been married for about a year, and a few months before, they'd found out they were going to have a baby.

Tessa frowned, feeling eyes on her. She looked up at Stiles and asked, "What?"

"You're beautiful," Stiles said.

"Uh, thanks. Listen. There are some people at camp that are... They're huge flirts."

"Are you warning me about Drew? Because I've told you you don't have to worry about her."

"Maybe not, but humor me."

Stiles nodded. "So long as you promise not to get mad if she does."

Tessa narrowed her eyes. "I don't get mad!" She paused. "Okay, maybe a little."

"A little? Tess, you're yelling. You're a powder keg. Kind of like Dean. I love you, but your temper is..." He tried to phrase his next words best.

"Stiles, I'm warning you now, shut up while you still can. Lest you forget, I have a dagger and knowledge of martial arts, so I can kick your ass."

"And risk hurting baby Stilinski?"

""Talk first, stab later." Or maybe the other way around. That all depends on my mood."

"Supernatural quoting already?"

"Yup. Come on. I gotta get you into camp. Chiron already approved."

They walked up to the camp border and Tessa said, "Hey, Peleus. I, Tessa Stilinski, give Stiles Stilinski permission to enter."

The border opened and Stiles and Tessa entered.

Stiles looked around the camp and smiled widely. "This is awesome! This is, was, your summer camp?!"

Tessa nodded, running a hand across her small baby bump. "Yup, it was."

Drew walked up and said, "Hi, Tessa." She turned to Stiles and smiled, holding out a hand to shake. "I'm Drew." She flipped her hair back. "My mom is Aphrodite."

Stiles nodded slowly. "Okay, I'm Stiles. Uh, human."

Drew continued smiling at Stiles before turning to Tessa as her smile dropped. "How'd you land a guy like that?"

"How'd you land the bitchy attitude?" Tessa snapped.

Drew narrowed her eyes. "Watch it."

Tessa glanced at Stiles. "Whatever you do, don't listen to her. She may try to charmspeak you."

Drew smiled tightly. "Why would I charmspeak such a handsome face?"

Tessa's expression darkened. "I will stab you. Stay away from him. He's a married man. Don't pull what your mother did."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Really? Okay, time for a little history lesson. Your mother is married to Hephaestus, yet is having an affair with Ares. Stay away from my husband or I'm going to hurt you."

"And we're done here," Stiles said, pulling a fuming Tessa away. "I thought you weren't going to get angry."

"I changed my mind."

"You- Okay, right. How about you give me a tour of camp, huh?"

"Yeah, sure."

Tessa gave Stiles a tour of camp and when she got to the Athena cabin, her eyes brightened as she gave a thorough description of the architecture and some of her favorite things about the cabin.

Stiles smiled as he listened to her. He'd always loved seeing her excited about things because her expression brightened, she spoke quickly, making her Long Island accent come out, and her eyes sparkled.

Drew came up behind them again and tried to take Stiles' hand. "Come on. I guarantee my camp tour will be much better."

Tessa's eyes flashed and she pulled out her dagger. "Stay the hell away from him."

Drew scoffed. "What are you going to do?"

The blonde expertly grabbed Drew's arm, flipping her over her shoulder. She put a knee on Drew's abdomen and held her dagger to the daughter of Aphrodite's throat. "Last time I'm going to say it. Stay the fuck away from my husband."

She stood and glared at Drew, brandishing her dagger. "Let's go, Stiles."

Stiles followed after his wife and asked, "Are you okay?"

Tessa began laughing and nodded. "Yeah, I'm great."

Stiles kissed her. "That was kind of hot. No, really hot." He chuckled nervously. "Remind me to never piss you off."

"As if you needed a reminder," she teased.

"No, I certainly didn't. But it was still pretty hot."

Tessa laughed. "All right, sure. I'm hungry. How about you?"

"I could go for food."

"Sweet." The two walked towards the dining hall to see if they could get something to eat. "You can bet I'll be using baby as an excuse to get food."

"You and I both know you never need an excuse for food, Tess."

"I mean, you're not wrong. Come on."

The two intertwined their hands as they continued their walk to the dining hall.

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