Chapter 10

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Radagast and his rabbits, were still weaving in and out of the main group of wargs. But the rabbits were getting tired and the wargs were close behind them. Every now and again, the tatty, brown wizard would have to hit one of the hounds in the head to send it back but not killing it. He grumbled.

Elfreda was catching up with them. Kasper was having the time of his life, he was able to do what he did best, run, with his best friend. They cantered up to Radagast were Elfreda called to him
"Radagast, head for the woods, I will cover for you!"
The large horse shadowed the small wooden sled and Radagast had to look up at her. He knew Elfreda very well and also knew his rabbits needed rest. So he nodded.

Kasper turned and galloped away. Whilst galloping, Elfreda took on boot out of the stirrup. She lent over the side of the saddle, her head nearly touching the ground. Hanging upside down, she reached and grabbed a large rock. Pulling in the saddle she got herself up.
Kasper stopped from a vantage point. Elfreda placed the rock in her bow and fired it at the company of wargs- knocking one on the head. She wolf whistled then shouted,
"Oi you belok, over here!" she mimicked. The orcs stopped, turned and ran at Elfreda. She laughed as Kasper ran, he seemed to laugh too.

Radagast saw his chance and disappeared into forest.

The dwarves ran and hid like they had done before. This time they stuck together, they were not going to get separated again. Gandalf heard the thundering of hooves and ushered the band into the shadow of a rock. They had been hiding for barely a second as Kasper jumped off the rock and bolted away. The rider and horse were followed by the wargs one after another, they were like a plague of rats running from the light.
Kasper stumbled in his landing and Elfreda's head jerked back, her hood falling off showing her long dark blonde braid. It bellowed out behind her.

The dwarves were open mouthed. Gandalf turned to them.
"Shut your mouths, you'll catch flies!" he scolded. All of them blinked and refocused. Ori smiled
"That's the fairy!" he cheered. He cheered a tad to loud and the wargs heard them. They all turned in sequence and headed straight for them.

All they could do was run. This is what they did. But they were surrounded. The dwarves looked round for their wizard but he was no where to be found.

Kasper could do nothing but run too. But the were also out of reach. Elfreda shouted in despair.

Gandalf was too smart for them. "In here!" he shouted. The hidden passage. All the dwarves ran for the cover. They were all inside when the horns of the elves rang through the landscape.

Elves dressed in armour, riding battle stallions raged into the wargs shooting them dead. They circled the entire area. That was when Elfreda became reacquainted with Elrond.
"Mae g'ovannen Elfreda!" he said.
Elfreda greeted him.
"Peditham hi Sui vellyn?" she replied. The elf lord studied her with concerned eyes. He then looked at his guards and clicked his fingers. Instantly they arrested her, holding her arms behind her back as she dismounted Kapser. The spotted horse reared and pounded the ground in anger. Elfreda shot a look to him and he calmed, following his friend as the elves took her away.

In their hole under the rock, Thorin consulted Balin.
"Whoever this 'fairy' is, we owe it a lot" Balin stated. Thorin huffed. They debated as they walked through the passage. The company reached a beautiful building in a breath taking area. Waterfalls flowed from the mountain tops, the sense of tranquility flowed throughout. Gandalf talked to the company about it. Bilbo smiled, he had ony heard of this beauty in stories.

"Rivendell" he whispered.

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