Chapter 47

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Elfreda's wound required stitches and no matter how hard she tried to prove that she did not, Elfreda would wince at the pain to be proved wrong. The tear was in a safe enough area which required no bodily embarrassment, the lower part of back could be repaired with just a slight pull on her cotton tunic.

Oin threaded the needle. Kneeling beside her, Fili held out his hand and said "here, its going to hurt," Elfreda took it, his hand was warm against her shivering skin but warning him that she still could break his hand, no matter if she had just partially drowned.
"You can try," he mocked.

Elfreda seethed as the first stitch was made and gripped heavily on her friends hand. There was a small crunch.
"Told you," she whispered as Fili took a sharp intake of breath "sorry". The prime only nodded, failing hiding his own pain from her.
The rest of the stitches were easier and soon the wound was closed and a bandage wrapped around her waist by the courtesy of Sigred, the dwarves were too flustered to do it themselves.

As it turned out, The Master had been crushed as well as all the towns gold- it was now lying under a dragon at the bottom of the lake. This left the people of the ruin settlement with no money or leader. Elfreda knew what that felt like. But now it was time to make it back to Erebor and catch up with the others- Elfreda was also going to have a chat about releasing an angry dragon to Thorin.

"We need a craft to get us across the lake." pointed Bofur.
"I agree, split up and see of we can find supplies." Elfreda continued. So the all parted to find different objects they needed to get to Erebor.

In an hour the group had gathered a small dingy and some supplies to last them the journey to Erebor. When everyone was ready to go, Elfreda turned to Bard.
"You have to look after him," she ordered gesturing to Kasper "he's the closest thing I have to a family. Kasper can survive well enough on his own but I'll feel better if you take him."
Bard nodded, looking over to the fine stallion and the three children who were cuddling him. Silver lined Elfreda's eyes.
"Be safe, I don't trust Thorin," murmured Bard, out of the dwarves' hearing.
"I've dealt with kings under the mountain before. I think I can handle another,"
She gave him a reassuring smile, trying to hide the lies underneath. There was a moment of silence but it was ended by a strong hug from her friend.
"Head to Dale, they may be ruins but at least it is defensible." Elfreda instructed "they will need a leader and a strong one at that. Follow your ancestors Bard,"

"Come on!" shouted Bofur from the wooden boat. Jumping in, Elfrea nodded to her crew and picked up an ore. Kili was left on the shore, talking to Tauriel and asking her to come with them. Although Elfreda thought she would be an asset to the company, neither Thorin or Thranduil would see the same way. Suddenly, Elfreda hid out of view.
"Tauriel," said a firm voice.
"What are you doing?" Asked Oin. Elfreda hushed him shaking her head. She did not see much else but rather heard the two elves walk away. Still under cover the other dwvred pushed off into the waters that had almost drowned her.

The sun reflected off the water so each member of the dingy took it in turns to guide them, the light to bright for one person to direct. All were quiet on the raft, murmurs between pairs was the most conversation any of them had. Elfreda kept mostly to herself, every now and again gazing over her shoulder at the shrinking people on the shore she had left defenceless. Even from her boat, she could hear the arguments arising and could only hope Bard was there to solve it. It went quiet soon after, little but the wind could be heard.
"Gods protect them," Elfreda muttered.

Light was slowly fading when the group reached Erebor. All were hungry and damp, the smell of lingering sewage still clinging to their clothes. So they began to search for the rest of their company inside the mountain.

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