Chapter 35

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The guard who was waiting for Elfreda stood impatiently. He was about to go and look for her when she jogged up the corridor.
"Sorry, I'm ready now!" she said. The guard huffed and replied
"Come on, follow me."
Back at the gates, Elfreda looked out into the woodlands ahead of her, knowing the threat of the orcs would not be too far away. So Elfreda quickly paced out of the kingdom, allowing the great gates to close so that nothing could get in...

An orc gazed over the entrance to the great palace of Mirkwood. The huge gates opened and the disgusting creature saw his chance to attack; however the guards threw a figure out and quickly shut them again. Looking around, the figure quickly made a dash off into he trees and could no longer be seen by the orc. Grunting, the mutated creature returned to his master. His master was another orc but he was huge and small white eyes with no visible pupils. A metal line was bolted to his flat face. The orc's name was Bolg. In their foul language the scout said, " the gates are guarded" Bolg turned and replied harshly

"Not all of them, follow me." With that the orcs turned and followed their leader around the back of into the dark trees of Mirkwood forest.

Elfreda stopped where she had spotted the orcs. They were only a few she could tell from their tracks. However, in her heart she knew that there were many more than that. A pair of footprints was much larger than any of the others and was almost shaped like a rectangle. This was no scout group- they had been sent to do some kind of foul work. Elfreda was not going to let that happen- she hated orcs more than anyone. Arming herself with her bow( which she had successfully hidden inside her bag) and followed the rectangular tracks back into the deep.

"Sounds like quite the party, you're having up there," mentioned Kili to Tauriel. Still in the prison, bot the young dwarf and the elf both listened to the huge celebration going on in the great halls in the palace. Tauriel smiled " it is Mereth Nuin Giliath; the Feast of Starlight. All light is sacred but the wood elves love the light of the stars" She paced around and looked p the stairs as if she was trying to watch the party from where she stood.

Kili looked interested "I always thought it was a old light, remote and far away," he admitted. Tauriel turned and looked at him- shocked. "It is memory, precious and pure, like your promise." she said holding out the talisman. Kili took the stone in his hands, but never broke eye contact with Tauriel.

"I saw a fire moon once" he began. Tauriel sat on a nearby stone to listen to his story. "It rose over the pass near Dunland. Huge, red and gold it was, it filled the sky. We were and escort for a group of merchants. We took the greenway south; keeping the mountains to our left and then it appeared." As Kili told the story, Legolas was watching from a far, above the cells. As he listened, a sad frown shadowed his face. He turned to leave, retreating back to his chambers.

Legolas walked slowly through the long corridors of his fathers palace. The nose from the king's party echoed everywhere and would last all night long. He decided to take the long way back to his rom, stopping by at the cellars. The cellars never stopped during the nights when Thranduil threw a party- they needed as much drink to keep the kings pleased as possible. "Good evening, my lord" said an elf, pausing at his work to bow before the prince. Legolas told him to stand "good evening, Galion my friend, how is the festival?"
Galion huffed, he knew that Legolas was also not to fond of al the festivals that Thranduil organised. The prince smiled "I will see you tomorrow melon." he said and departed as Galion hurried off with more orders for wine. As Legolas left, he passed an invisible hobbit, Bilbo who had just found the perfect way for the dwarves to escape...

Reaching his chamber, Legolas was pleased to be alone. Inside he sat on the chair by is desk and closed his eyes for a few minutes breathing deeply. When he opened them, a strange yet familiar sight caught his eye. The prince picked up the fletching ad studied it. Legolas tried to remember were had seen !t before but he could not recall its owner. He put the fletching in a draw in his desk and went to bed. He would think more of it tomorrow. If his father was in a good mood, he would ask him.

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