He squeezed his swollen and red eyes shut as hard as he could and then rubbed his face with his hands. "What time is it?" He asked in a sleepy voice. 

"Ten. I made breakfast if you're hungry." 

He nodded. "Thanks." I gave him a little smile and gently moved my hand to his hand as an awkward silence fell upon us. "I'm sorry I yelled at you yesterday." He said in a monotone voice. 

I shook my head. "It's okay." He just nodded once more and then pulled his hand from mine as he got up and went out to the kitchen, leaving me alone in the room. A few seconds later I got off the bed and followed him out. I saw him grab his plate and then plop himself down at the kitchen table. Everything was completely silent and nobody said a word. I decided to just go plate myself some food and then clean up before I ate. 

I was putting the pan that I had cooked the bacon and the eggs on in the sink, and it was making a lot of noise as a cast iron pan on a ceramic sink does. "God Ti can you shut the fuck up?! Why you gotta fuckin' do that right now?!" Marshall snapped at me. 

I paused, surprised that he had snapped at me like that. "I'm sorry." I said quietly as I turned the water off and just left the pan in the sink. 

"She's just cleanin' dawg..." Denaun said awkwardly. 

"Just be fuckin' quiet! Please!" He yelled as he got up from the table and stormed back into our room. He slammed the door shut just as he had done yesterday and me and Denaun both just stared at the closed door. 

I cleared my throat in attempt to relieve the awkwardness and went and got his plate from the table. "It's not your fault, Ti." Denaun said. 

I nodded and placed the plate gently on the counter as I blinked tears away. "I know." I said in a shaky voice. I leaned against the counter trying my best to collect myself before I went out and sat with Denaun, and then a few moments after I took a deep breath and grabbed my plate. I went to the other couch and started mindlessly picking at my food. Neither of us said anything more so Denaun just flipped on the TV and turned the volume really low to try and help with the deafening silence I'm sure. 

An hour and a half passed and then Denaun got up to start getting ready. I think he had to work today, I don't know for sure though. Still none of us said anything to one another. I just stayed put in front of the TV trying my best to melt my brain. Half hour later Denaun had showered and came out dressed in new clothes. "Aight I gotta go to work." He said. 

I nodded. "Okay. Have a good day." 

"Do you know if DeShaun or any of them know?" He asked. 

"Shit, no they probably don't. I'll call them."

He nodded. "Yeah, do that. I don't think you should be alone with him right now, get DeShaun to come over or somethin' if he ain't workin' today."  

"He's not gonna do anything to me, Denaun." 

"Nah, I know that. But you just shouldn't have to deal with this by yourself. We all need to be supporting each other right now." 

I gave him a sad smile. "Yeah I agree. I'll call them." 

"Aight, dope. If you need anything call my work." 

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