A Stolen Smile and Cat Puns

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Miss Bustier's lesson that morning was about 19th century poetry. Or maybe it was about 'L'étrangre.' Wait, maybe Alexandre Dumas?

Adrien couldn't remember, his mind was way too preoccupied thinking about his father. And Marinette's persistence that there was love there.

He racked his brain, trying to remember some positive experiences that they shared. There was that time that his father got him a scarf for his birthday. And the time when they watched his mother's movie together. Plus, there was the time when his father shocked the world by publicly appearing in person at his fashion show. His father went right up to him and hugged him, in front of the cameras and all. In those moments he felt loved.

But was that enough? Three moments over the course of fifteen years? There had to be more moments than that, but those were the only ones Adrien could think of. What a pitiful relationship they had.

All day long he could barely pay attention. Not even to the final bell. He remained in his seat until Marinette stood over him and put her hand on his shoulder. "It's time to go, Adrien," she said sweetly.

"Right, of course," he mumbled, standing up and grabbing his school bag. "Do you want to come over for dinner?"

She tilted her head slightly. "Adrien, it's Thursday. You have your lessons today."

How could he forget? Thursdays meant fencing practice, followed immediately by his Chinese lesson. By the time those were done, he barely had time to eat a quick dinner and do his homework before bed.

"I'm sorry, I guess I lost track of what day it was."

"Don't worry about it. You've been through a lot recently. It's totally understandable." She pressed her hand to his back and made some small circles. "Do you want to call me later when you get home?"

"You mean, when I get back to my father's house? That place is not my home. A home is a place where a family loves each other."

At hearing his response, Marinette's small smile disappeared and she looked down to the floor. She blinked a few times, trying to keep the tears away. "Well, you should hurry up, you're going to be late," she said quietly before turning and walking to the door.

Adrien moved quickly to catch up with her. Once beside her he tried to hold her hand. But at feeling his touch, she pulled her hand away and put it on the strap of her backpack.

His heart sank. His girlfriend was upset, and he had caused it with his comment. He wished that he could go back and respond differently, but the damage was already done. He mentally berated himself; he didn't even get through one day before breaking his promise to her.

They walked side by side in silence down the stairs to the front door. When they got outside he turned and put his hand to her waist to stop her. "I'm sorry about what I said Princess, I didn't mean to upset you."

She looked up at him, but there was no smile to be found. "It's fine, just call me later."

"I love you," he said, trying to get her smile to return.

"I love you too," she replied, her face stoic.

In a last ditch effort, he leaned in and kissed her. She didn't kiss him back.

He scrunched up his face when he pulled back to look at her again. Her beautiful smile was gone. His words had stolen it from her. "I'll call you later."

She nodded and then walked off towards her house.


"Halte!" the fencing instructor called, ending the bout.

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