An Impromptu Fashion Show, A Dessert Box and An Expensive Present

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Everything was falling into place.

First, Adrien's father had surprised him with an apology and a pleasant conversation about his relationship with Marinette.

And who knows, maybe his father would eventually approve of them being together. Adrien wasn't going to hold his breath on that though.

Next, he and Marinette arrived at school at the exact same time. Every extra second he got to be with her was a dream come true.

Then they got paired together for a project for their literature class that was due the following Monday. "My parents are never going to believe us," Marinette giggled over to Adrien.

At lunch they ate at the park where they had their first date. They even sat on the same bench.

And he got to hold Marinette's hand in their last class. Alya agreed to switch seats with him so they joined hands underneath the desk.

This was going to be the best day of his life, he could feel it.

His confidence faltered slightly at the end of school. He noticed that Marinette seemed quieter than usual.

"Marinette, is everything okay?" Adrien asked as they made their way outside.

"I'm just a little nervous about meeting with your father. What if I stumble and fall or say something stupid? What if he hates me?"

"He's not going to hate you," he reassured her. "Just be yourself, and he'll see how wonderful you are."

She sighed and looked down at her shirt. "Ugh, I just wish that I didn't wear this outfit today. I'm meeting Gabriel Agreste, the fashion designer, and I decide to wear this?"

"I think you look great," Adrien said, wrapping his arms around her.

"You're sweet," she said, tilting her forehead into his chin. "I just don't want to mess this up."

How much more perfect could she get? "Alright, if it will make you feel better, why don't we stop by your house real quick so you can change your outfit?" he suggested.

Marinette gasped. "That would be so great. Thank you Adrien."

"Anything for you Princess."

She smiled and kissed him. "Well let's hurry up. I don't want to keep your father waiting too long."

Adrien went over to his town car and told his bodyguard that they were going to make a quick stop at Marinette's. Then the couple hurried to her house.

"Hi you two, I thought you were going over to Adrien's house today," Sabine said when she saw them come into the bakery.

"We are, I just want to change first," Marinette explained as she pulled Adrien by the hand upstairs.

They stopped in the living room. "Wait here," Marinette told him before ascending the steps to her bedroom.

Adrien watched her go. Boy, did he want to go up there too.

After a minute she came halfway down the steps and stopped. "What do you think of this?" she asked, referring to her new outfit.

She had a black and white striped shirt, skinny jeans and black boots on.

Adrien thought he was going to have a heart attack. She looked so hot. "You look so hot," he said mindlessly.

"No," she sighed. "This is too trendy. I need something more original." She disappeared into her bedroom again.

After another minute she came back. Now she was wearing a green and white plaid dress that tied around the waist, a black motorcycle jacket and heels.

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