One: The First Time.

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I look around.
One thing I've always hated being the new girl in school, it has always been life wrenching to start afresh.

Starting Js1 in a new state, new neighbourhood, new house and new friends. I hate it so freaking much.

I keep making eye contact with everyone, is it that they aren't used to having new students or is it something else?

The bell rings and the teacher walks out, the students running after him to submit their books.

I'm very shy, I find it difficult to talk to new people so I always stay quiet and keep my head high and away from people so I don't make eye contact with people but people always mistake it for arrogance, I don't like being called arrogant but it's better than being underestimated.

I delve into my bag and bring out my exotic and keep on my desk, looking out the window.

"Why are you quiet?"
I turn around and see a tall boy hovering over me.

I wanted to speak but I didn't know what to say, I was so nervous.
"Don't think just say" the another boy says standing in front of me.

"Why shouldn't I?"
"She speaks" the one in front says like it's a revelation.

He smiles "I'm Khaliq and that guy beside you is Rahim".

I look at Rahim "It's uncomfortable, that you're standing so close" I say trying my best not to sound timid.

He moves back and smiles apologetically, sitting on the seat beside me. "You know people think you're really arrogant".

I shake my head "That's what people think, I'm just awfully shy".

"I told you!" Khaliq says so proud of himself.

I laugh.
"Let's go out, its boring here" Khaliq suggests.

"Come on" Rahim stands waiting for me "Even if we're just going to walk it's better than staying idle here".

"Okay" I smile.


That was how the three of us got so close. I never needed new friends ever again. We went to the same schools and did things together.

I twist and turn in agony. My stomach is churning and I feel like I'm dying.

I have a rule not to eat after 7pm but its times like this that really make me want to change my mind, its just too much to handle.

So I do the unthinkable and sneak to the kitchen only to find all three of my brothers eating.

I gasp "Really? It's 3am and you're eating?"

Unfortunately for me my parents have four children and I'm the only female, the 3rd child but it feels like I'm the last anyway.

"I just fried some plantain and we're eating it with yaji (Ground pepper), want to join your brother?" Salis our second asks.

He's like the chef, he's even a better cook than my mum and I and that's because he lived two years with our grandmother before her demise.

I smile" Of course, hope you fried a lot " I join them.

"If Mama wakes up and doesn't find the plantain she was looking forward to eating for breakfast then we'll all face her wrath" my negative younger brother Sanusi says.

"I'll just buy some and drop them off before going to work tomorrow because honestly right now I cannot in any way think of the pros and cons".

I nod.


I lie down.
Suddenly my phone starts ringing. It was a video call from both Khaliq and Rahim so I pick it up.

"How did you know I was awake?" I ask.
"Are you really asking? Everyone who really knows you also knows you eat like a beast at night" Khaliq says back.

"That's rude" Rahim says back his attention obviously on something else.

"Anyway, we heard tomorrow is your first day interning at the company so we called to see how you're doing, see if you're nervous".

I shake my head laughing "You know I don't get nervous, it sounds nothing like me".

Rahim laughs "It sounds exactly like you".
"You two have no faith in me? Really?" I ask disappointed.

"Come on, don't get emotional you know we do" Khaliq says.

"I'm full and tired, goodnight" I end the call. Sometimes being the only girl sucks badly too.


I walk out of the building and huff, it's just like I imagined just more severe.

I start dragging my feet trying to get to the road so I can get a car to take me home. I should have drove myself but I didn't, I thought maybe walking a bit after work would be kind of cool but I have never in my life been so wrong.

"Going where?"
I turn around and see Rahim parked, leaning on his car.

"Wow! You're here?"
"Of course I can't let you enter a stranger's car, what if you get kidnapped?"

"Yeah I agree, I'm wayyy too valuable to you".

He scoffs "Shiga mota (enter the car)".

I huff as he starts driving, I throw my bag in the back seat. "That was one of the most exhausting things I have ever done my entire life".

"You must be exaggerating since obviously you haven't done much".

My phone starts ringing and I excitedly pick it up. Its my boyfriend Luqman, he and I have been dating for 15months now.

"Hey baby"
"Hi, how's the first day?" He asks.

"Exhausting, I'm on my way home right now"
"I told you not to make calls while driving, do you want your license suspended again?"
"No. Rahim came to pick me up" I clarify.

"As usual"
"Don't be negative. It's a happy day"

"Whatever you say baby, whatever makes you happy. I'll come see you later if that's fine with you?" He asks.
"Of course, I can't wait. Byee"

I end the call.

"I don't see what it is you like about that guy".
"Stop judging me, I never complain about all the girls you date".

"But you don't like when I bring them up too".

I groan "I just want to rest".
"Whatever you say".


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