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⚠️Tw. Death⚠️

Corals POV

It had all started out as a fun day trip to the beach, I was young then and I didn't know of the horrors that came if you went out of your depth.

We had eagerly splashed out into the sea pleased to be away from the loud noises of the city.
Back then I was called Florence, I was nothing spectacular, I was shy with large spectacles that always fell down my nose, I had short brown hair and brown eyes. Ordinary and nothing special.

We were playing with a ball when it had blown out into the sea, being the oldest I went to go get it but it had drifted to far for me. I was 7 at the time and didn't realise so I kept going, paddling out until the floor dropped away.

I couldn't swim very well and despite my thrashing and screaming my attempts were in vain, my parents rushed out to save me but they were to late.

By body was to heavy for my little seven year old legs to hold above the water without help and so I gave myself up to the never ending cyan of the ocean.

I fell down and down the little remaining oxygen quickly emptying form my lungs, this wasn't a suicide it was an accident. If I had known what was going to happen in the years to come I would have never gone to go get that ball.

My lungs were empty now and I was being to get light headed, I couldn't think straight and the water around me began to grow dark. I could see light far above me at the surface and a dark figure moving towards me but then I hit the sandy bottom and my eyes closed for, what everyone believed, ever.

I was too far down for any swimmer to sensibly reach me without coming to the same watery grave. And so the sea took me, she cradled me in her warm strong arms. But in her heart she knew she couldn't take me and so she sent me back to the surface with the power to live underwater.

I can control water now because the mighty ocean saved my life and so now I have made it my job to protect hers.

I am no longer boring old Florence Hargreaves, I'm now coral protector of the seas.
I have long, blue, curly hair and blue eyes. I have a beautiful cyan dolphin marked in my lower left arm to remind me of how I died. I'm immortal now although I look as though I'm 20 and I always will.

I enjoy going to the city to check on my family because I left them so long ago and sometimes being alone can be sad.

I'm surprised that no one has really ever paid much attention to me, the young woman with blue hair, blue eyes that's always wearing the same off the shoulder top and knee length denim shorts (also blue), the girl that never wears shoes, only a pearl anklet and has a strange tattoo. But I guess people aren't really that observant.

I was alone for 8 years until tragedy struck my family again...

I was alone for 8 years until tragedy struck my family again

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Chapter 2 finished! Thank you for reading! I might do a quiz for you to find out which of the 5 you are most like when I have introduced them all! I got the idea off my friend Honeydewthe13th and I really liked it. Also please check out her story called scarlet, I've just finished all she's writen so far and it's amazing! Anyway please leave me ideas for things to happen later on in the story. You are all brilliant!

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