Chapter 21- True Feelings.

Start from the beginning

Finally, after that one side hug, he pulled back flashing me a huge grin. He honestly looked happy and ecstatic, he was more like the carefree Niall I knew about.

"What are you so happy about?" I couldn't stop myself from asking. If he was that happy maybe he could cheer me up as well and I really needed some cheering up.

He shrugged and grabbed a pillow resting his elbows on it. "I don't know! I'm just happy!" he admitted and I chuckled slightly. This was a very good side of Niall, a side I have missed greatly.

"So... Are you sure it has nothing to do with Anna?" I inquired raising an eyebrow. Knowing Niall, his happiness would eventually be connected to the French lass.

Much to my surprise, he shook his head and flashed me a genuine smile. "Would you like to go out with me Zayn? Just the two of us?" his proposition shockened me but nevertheless I smiled genuinely at him already dreaming about this day.


"How's Anna?" I inquired as soon as we had sat at a table in a restaurant.

Niall sighed heavily and he fixed his gaze at the wooden table we were sat at.

"I don't know anymore." he muttered clearly confused by his own statement. "Sometimes I feel like she's about to pour her heart out to me but other times she just distants herself from me"

                He was clearly puzzled and confused. I knew Niall too well and one of the things which I didn't quite like about him was that he cared too much. I didn't have the strength to tell him that though, it was one of the few things I didn't appreciate about him. Because once he cares too much he gets hury... Badly. Niall was the one to put it all in a relationship. And right now in his mind he was somehow dating Anna. Or more pricesly, in love with her. Even if he didn't want to admit it, he was. Niall was too cute for his own good. Anna rejected him a lot, and she kept pushing him away and it killed him. It killed him being treated that way by the one whom he's in love with.

"It's okay! She'll come around later. Don't worry, mate." I reassured him although I didn't fully believe it. He shot me a weak smile just before our plates were placed in front of us.

"Yummy!" Niall exclaimed happily mouth full of mashed potatoes. I chuckled at his face which was somehow decorated by potatoes, tomatoes and lettuce.

"I know,Niall. I know."


"Were you ever in love,Zayn?" Niall blurted out as we were walking side by side to our flat.

I raised an eyebrow at him but shrugged it off "Yes." I admitted proudly grinning from ear to ear.

Niall seemed to be amused by my statement as he beamed as well "Perrie?" he asked and I nodded.

Just the thought of my lovely girlfriend made my heart race in excitement and a grin to spread across my face , yet again.

"Do you think she might be the one?" Niall's questions were getting... More personal. But I didn't mind . I loved those conversations with Niall. It made me get to know him better and made our friendship grow stronger. Something I cherished greatly.

"I don't know,Niall. I think it's too soon to tell" I answered truthfully and he nodded in understanding.

"What about me? Do you think I will ever find true love?" that question caught me off guard. His eyebrows were knitted together in deep concentration and he was looking at me directly in the eyes demanding for an answer.

Here goes confident Niall.

Niall has always been the kind to lose confidence in a second. The smallest tweet from a hater would make him sulk and lock himself in his room for hours. I was familiar with this. He just needed some pep talk and lots of Nando's to lighten up his mood. Nothing I wasn't capable of.

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