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A brief introduction just in case you have not read the manga/seen the anime Boku No Hero Academia or My Hero Academia!


A Quirk, also known as a Meta Ability by the Meta Liberation Army, is a special, superhuman ability that a person can have.

Along with being unique to each user, Quirks are compartmentalized into multiple categories. Quirk users are also limited to one ability and are thus unable to achieve any other

The first person in the world to manifest a Quirk was a new-born baby in Qing Qing City, China; the baby had the ability to emanate light from their body.

After that phenomenon, many people around the world began to manifest different kinds of superpowers. While the cause of the Quirk phenomenon is unknown, it has been theorized that the development of Quirks was caused by the spread of a virus carried by mice. These superpowers were first referred to as Meta Abilities before later being called Quirks.

The dawn of this extraordinary era was marred by a breakdown of society caused by the sudden onslaught of criminals empowered by their newfound "superpowers" and ordinary people being prejudiced against the Quirk users.

As chaos and unrest ensued due to the outbreak of Quirks, ordinary civilians with their own Quirks decided to take matters into their own hands to bring order to society and thus the first "Heroes" appeared in the form of Vigilantes and thus beginning the Vigilantes Era.

During this time period, All For One became a symbol of unity in society. He used his Quirk to remove Quirks from those who did not want them and give Quirks to those that did. His actions under the guise of returning society to its prior state of humanity, when in reality, he was gathering followers who were loyal to him, allowing him to act out his ulterior motives.

As society adapted to the new status quo, the Police Force moved to prioritize leadership and to maintain the status quo, and as such, decided not to use Quirks as weapons. To fill that void, the profession of crime-fighting Quirk users, Pro Heroes, began to exist which caused the Vigilantes to slowly disappear. Authorizing the use of powers that could so easily kill, however, was a greatly criticized decision at first.

Over time, it came to garner public support due to the fact that the first people to work professionally as heroes acted morally and upheld the law. However, some members of society were not happy with the governments' regulations on Quirk usage as they believed that the free use of their superhuman abilities should be a basic human right.

A group of Quirk users known as the Meta Liberation Army, led by Destro, had tried to stop the passing of regulations that would restrict Quirk usage. They rebelled against the governments of a number of nations for several years before ultimately suffering defeat.

Roughly 80% of the people who make up the global population possess a Quirk.


One of the rarest and most misunderstood diseases of all time. People always defined is as a disease of tragic love, one-sided love that literally kills. Love that keeps hurting you till you die, or make you forget the person you've loved so much completely. But it's all wrong and misunderstood. Hanahaki is a disease where one type of flower starts growing in your lungs, spreading upwards in the respiratory tract. These flowers are much more delicate than the ones we grow in our gardens, otherwise it would take hardly a day or two for them to damage the lungs, cause internal bleeding and drown the person with their own blood from the inside out.

Hanahaki is actually a disease that the Gods 'bestowed' or rather cursed humans with. The real reason why hanahaki develops is because it means you've finally found your soulmate, who contrary to popular beliefs, are born on the same day and time. One day the Gods got frustrated with how oblivious humans were and couldn't recognize their own soulmates and created this disease. Of course there were those that opposed it because before the medical profession developed, the only end for it was for the soulmates to end up together or death. And much to the contrary of popular belief, both the people start developing it at same time and at the same pace. It begins once you have seen them and talked to them at least once. The only thing that speeds up or slows down the spread is if you stay away from your soulmate or near them. The closer you are to them physically, the slower is the spread. If you only see your soulmate, the spread is even slower. How it cures itself though, is still a mystery to modern medicine. This was my field of study regarding hanahaki.

Humans always love playing the victim so no wonder it's so misunderstood over the years, and tragically romanticized way too much. It was always listed of as a fictional disease until the digital age began growing along with the interactions online. So, now it is an actual medical condition enough though very little is known about it due to the lack of patients. Multiple people, mainly doctors, have gone to great lengths to interview and study the patients around the world who developed the condition.


Name: Tatsugami Keiko

Age: 26 years old


Primary-Shadow Possession

Secondary-Dragon Traits (scales, fire breathing)

Using shadow possession, she can extend a shadow from her body and 'possess' people and/or things. She can manipulate as many objects as she can depending on the strength of her shadow usage. When comes to possessing people, she can handle one person completely at a given time. She can possess more than one person at a time as well, but she cannot control them as properly even if they are completely under her quirks' control.

Because of her dormant secondary quirk, her body is naturally more resistant to heat than most people from the outside and inside. Her secondary quirk characteristics only show when she is really angry, emotional, or stressed.

Bakugou Katsuki

Age: 25 years old

Quirk: Explosion

His hands secrete a nitro-glycerine like substance in his sweat that is explosive in nature, allowing him to create small and harmless to big and powerful explosions. He can use his explosions in various ways like for attacks, propelling him in the air, distraction, etc. Though his body sweats continuously, it is slowed a little during winter time.

Kirishima Eijirou

Age:25 years old

Quirk: Hardening

His quirk allows him to harden his complete body, making him completely impenetrable while using his quirk. It can be used for close offense and close defence. It becomes stronger after every use. His quirk usage however requires a lot of stamina to keep it up. He can also harden certain parts of his body like his hands and us it as a weapon.

Kaminari Denki

Age: 25 years old

Quirk: Electrification

Electrification gives him the ability to charge in electricity and emit it out of his body as a sort of protective aura that electrocutes anyone through contact. It is quirk without much precision so it is effective for close range attacks when allies are not around him as the electric shock is indiscriminate. He also has a voltage limit, and if he crosses that, he short circuits his brain and becomes 'dumb' and unable to use his quirk for an hour, or do anything else for that matter. He is only aware of his basic surroundings when he short circuits.

Ashido Mina

Age: 25 years old

Quirk: Acid

Her quirk allows her to produce acid from any part of her body, causing her body to have a purple-pink skin that is naturally acid-resistant. She can control its viscosity and solubility to make it less or more lethal for living beings. It is very effective in both long range attack and long/close range defence.

Sero Hanta

Age: 25 years old

Quirk: Tape

Tape allows him to eject adhesive tape from openings located on both of his elbows. His elbows look and function like tape dispensers, from where he can fire lengths of tape that stick to anything he aims at. The amount of tape he is able to generate in a single instance isn't unlimited, but it's still plentiful enough for him to successfully utilize for various offensive, defensive and movement purposes, making his quirk surprisingly versatile.

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