Chapter 21: Restored World

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(Perspective: Asriel)

I can't really describe what happened afterwards, as a bunch of things happened over the next few weeks. Lucas returned to his normal self, but at the cost of losing Ralsei again. From what I was told, Ralsei gave back the other half of Lucas's SOUL to remove the Hatred in it. I was a bit sad about it, but I knew it was for the best.

After the death of Duster, Kumatora finally started to notice Jeff's love for her, and they started hanging out together, but they didn't consider each other a couple because the age difference was still kinda a big deal, I guess.

Flint got released form jail and is now living on his own. Sometimes Lucas and I go visit him, but I still feel kind of bad for him.

I will say this, the most exciting things happened in my own family. My mom gave birth to my little sister. She decided to name her Astell. Along with that, Human Mom proposed to Gaster and they ended up getting married a week later, meaning that Lucas and Papyrus became step-brothers.

Today was different as I arrived at home. I opened the door and saw my mom holding my baby sister.

"Greetings my child," she said with a smile, "Why don't you go head upstairs? There's a special note just for you." I smiled and quickly ran into my room. I looked on the pillow and saw a green notecard on my pillow. I walked over to it and picked it up. It read:

To my wonderful master,

I knew that I would have to leave you eventually so that my power could be with you instead. I know our time together was short, but it was great while it lasted. By the time you read this note, you'll probably have lost all of my power from before. This is because my SOUL is inactive at the moment and will need to be reawakened when the time comes. But there was one thing I wanted to tell you. Another of our kind exists deep into the woods of Onett. When you find him, he will appear as a statue. With a touch of your hand, he will be reawakened. I hope you don't have any trouble finding him. I promise that I will see you again soon.

-Your Guardian, Henry

He was right about a few things. Ever since we defeated Willow, my magic has been severely hindered, not to mention that the Chaos Saber was gone as well. I tired several times to see if I could cast any magic, but I've only been able to make small balls of fire. I went back outside and headed into the nearby woods.

After struggling to get through some bushes and trees, I arrived at the statue Henry mentioned in his letter. He appeared as if he was kneeling down and becoming one with the Earth. I walked forward and placed my hand on his forehead, and the stone around him began to vanish. Eventually, he appeared as a normal boy. His outfit looked similar to Henry, but he had an orange color theme instead of green. His hair was also orange. He looked at me and was rather confused.

"Why was I awakened?" he asked, "Did you awaken me? Where are Blue and the others? I hope they're okay."

"My name is Asriel," I told him, "And I awakened you."

"But why?" he asked me, "I was supposed to remain here until the Lavender Demon had been destroyed so I could make sure that the Earth was not destroyed by her."

"Do you mean Willow?" I asked, "If that's who you mean, she was already defeated." The orange boy looked me in the eyes.

"You defeated her?" he said as he raised an eyebrow, "But you're just a little kid, and also not a human."

"I defeated her," I told him, "I used the power of Henry's SOUL to do so. He said for me to find you." He looked shocked to hear that.

"Kid," he said, "It's time that I tell you who I am. I am Emile, Star Fairy of earth and the SOUL of Bravery. For whatever reason you woke me up for, I just wanted to say thanks. Now that I am back, I will help you in any way possible."

"Thanks," I replied with a smile, "I don't quite know you yet, but there's a lot that I should tell you. We could even become friends." Emile smiled at me.

"Yeah," he said, "That would be nice." Then, the two of us walked out of the forest and back to the town of Onett.


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