Chapter 19: Your World Magicant

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(Perspective: Asriel)

I waited all alone with Papyrus in one of the houses in Happy Happy Village. I felt there was nothing more I could do. I could've killed the one thing threatening us all, but I decided to show her Mercy instead. I felt it was my fault that everyone was going to be in a greater danger. I sat down on the bed and wiped my tears away.

"What am I going to do?" I asked myself, "I'm not strong enough to face her, even with Henry's power."

I believe I can help you, Henry told me, There's one place you must go to unlock the true potential of my power. Please lie down and close your eyes. I will take you to your world, Magicant.

I lay down on the bed in the room and slowly closed my eyes. At first, I didn't feel anything, but then, I felt myself being transferred to a world I was unfamiliar with. I felt a warm rush of water flow through my body. I opened my eyes and found myself in a small pond filled with warm water wearing nothing but a lightweight white nightgown. I looked around and saw many pink clouds in what I assumed was the sky. I slowly got up and stepped out of the pond and onto the green grass.

"Where am I?" I asked myself. I briefly skimmed the area and saw many people that I recognized. I looked forward and saw Henry walk towards me.

"Welcome to Magicant, the world of your mind," He told me, "If you ever wish to leave this world, you must go through the Sea of Eden and defeat your nightmare."

"But isn't this a dream?" I asked, "Can't I just wake up? Also, I'm not sure how I feel about this nightgown being the only thing I'm wearing."

"That's unfortunately not how it works," Henry told me, "Once you reach the end of your mind, you will be able to wake up, and when you do, you will be able to unlock the power to defeat the darkness. Don't worry, I'll be there to guide you to the very end. I'll be your courage."

"Okay," I responded, "I think that makes me feel a bit better. Let's go." I held onto Henry's hand and together we walked through Magicant.

As we were walking, I felt a sense of safety has I held his hand. There was something I wanted to tell him, but I didn't feel the courage to do so.

"Um," I began nervously, "Uh..."

"You sensed the good in Willow too, right?" Henry asked me. I nod my head.

"This new power you will receive will be able to exorcise any evil inside any being, including Willow," he continued, "I know there's still good in her as well."

"You mean like when you got Ralsei's spirit out of me a while back?" I asked.

"Something like that," Henry replied, "Except this one will involve the power of the eight elements." After a bit of walking, we arrived at a silver vine-like object leading downwards to the Sea of Eden. After we climbed down it, we landed in a body of water that glowed back and forth from green to purple. I looked forward and saw a golden primitive human statue on a small island.

"Is that my nightmare?" I asked Henry, "I don't know if I want to fight it. Will you help me?" Henry shook his head.

"I'm afraid you have to do this alone," he answered, "After all, it is your nightmare." I quickly embraced Henry.

"I'm going to miss you," I told him, "I'm so glad I got to see you one last time." A tear dropped from my eye.

"I promise I will always be with you," Henry told me, "Now, go defeat your nightmare and unlock your true power." I let go of him and nod my head, followed by me running over to my nightmare.

"I'm not afraid of you," I told the statue, "I'm not afraid." I summoned the Chaos Saber and pointed it at the nightmare. It responded by firing a blast of PSI at me. I quickly jumped out of the way and ran back up to it. I raised up my weapon and pierced it in the head. The statue began to crack and then shattered into several pieces. I turned around and saw Henry smiling at me.

"Congratulations," he said, "You did it." Suddenly, everything became dark. Magicant was beginning to disappear as I felt a great amount of power enter my body. I obtained the ability to use all eight elements, being fire, water, earth, wind, ice, lightning, light, and dark. I learned the ability to exorcise evil spirits and beings.

I became the angel who would save them all.


As soon as I woke up, my body began to transform itself. Using the power of Kindness, I obtained an outfit similar to Henry's, consisting of the green shirt with the heart symbol in the center, green shorts, and winged boots. Behind me grew a large pair of angel-like wings and I grew two short horns on my head. Despite all of it though, I remained roughly the same size as my 10-year-old body and still had the same fluffiness I was known for. I looked over and saw Papyrus amazed at me.

"Goat looks super cool!" he said with excitement. I smiled at him and then walked out the door.

"It's time," I said to myself, "Time to defeat Willow for once and for all." I began to flap my wings and then I started to fly towards Twoson. At first, I was struggling to maintain balance, but then I got the hang of it.

Do you know what to do? Henry asked, You must use wind to capture her inside and then use the remaining elements to surround it and then finish it off with the light element.

"I think I can do it," I told Henry, "I have to." I looked down and saw the town of Twoson being destroyed by The Lavender Demon. I summoned the Chaos Saber and quickly flew down there and headed straight towards Willow.

"Follow me Chara!" I shouted as I saw her. As soon as I saw Willow, I swung the Chaos Saber and flung her back into the forest. I landed on the ground and then started running towards the woods with Chara by my side. 

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