Chapter 9: The Determined

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(Perspective: Kumatora)

A few hours had passed since Lucas left the Onett Police Department. He didn't return at all, which was odd to me because he always comes home at a reasonable time. But it was time for me to head home, so I clocked out and headed there. Tonight was supposed to be a special night. Duster and I were going to watch some nerdy thief movies. I always liked them because the thieves always got what they deserved in the end: punishment. As I walking home, I noticed a slight rain start to fall from the sky. At first I thought it was some ordinary April showers, but then lighting started to strike the ground. Each bolt of lightning spawned a creature known as Starman. They were tall gray aliens who had visors in place of what was their head.

"Destroy humans and monsters!" One of them said. I heard screams around the city. It appeared that they were everywhere.

"Sorry," I said as I summoned a spear, "But you're not taking any lives today!" I threw it at one of the Starman's chest, causing it to vanish.

"This should be easy," I said confidently, "I, Kumatora, will defeat you all." I summoned more spears in midair and fired them at the Starman while I ran to my house. As I killed more Starman, I could feel myself getting stronger, but they just kept coming. When I finally arrived at my house, I quickly ran inside and locked the door behind me. I saw Duster already there, sitting on my couch wearing a white blanket.

"Duster," I said, "This is quite a surprise. How'd you get into my house?" Duster turned to me.

"I have my ways," he answered, "But seriously, don't leave your key under the doormat."

"Oh," I said, "But I'm afraid we're going to have to postpone our movie night. The city's under attack. I'm going to find the source and take it out." Duster's eyes popped.

"I'm coming with you," he said as he threw off the blanket and got off the couch, "I'll help you take out some of the enemies with my Thief Techniques." I hung up my police hat and coat.

"Are you sure?" I asked him, "What if you get killed?"

"At least I'd die being a hero rather than a moron," Duster answered confidently, "Let's go."

"I guess you have a point," I said, "But we need to find the source of where it's coming from."

"That shouldn't be a problem," Duster said, "I heard the person in charge is hiding in Mt. Ebott."

"Where did you hear that?" I asked, "Wait, nevermind. It doesn't matter. Let's just head to Mt. Ebott and find where this villain is."

After we got outside, it smelled like burnt cement. It must have come from all of the burning attacks the Starman were doing.

"Follow me," I instructed, "I know the quickest way there while rescuing the most people." I turned to the right where I heard children screaming. It sounded like it was coming from the school. As I arrived, I saw little children surrounded by a bunch of Starman, both human and monster.

"Hey!" I shouted at the Starman, "Pick on someone your own size!" I summoned a flurry of spears and Duster pulled out some wall staples. I threw the spears at the Starman, taking care not to hit any of the kids. All of the Starman vanished.

"Thank you Kumatora," one of the monsters said, "You're my hero."

"Stay inside the school and lock yourselves in one of the classrooms," I instructed, "You'll be safe there." The children nod their heads and ran inside.

"Mt. Ebott should be close," I said to Duster, "That's where we'll find our enemy." We ran as fast as we could to Mt. Ebott. We entered through the barrier entrance and ran past the empty, flowerless, throne room. We stopped at Judgement Hall where I saw Lucas's corpse lying on the ground. I gasped and fell to my knees.

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