Chapter Twenty Seven

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Word Count- 2326


I'm so stupid. Thinking that the professors would help me. Me. A Slytherin who shoved a Hufflepuff into the mud. Of course everyone would hate me. I understand now. Instead of going back to the Medical Wing, where the white walls feel like they are suffocating me, I decide to go to the Slytherin Common Room. My feet drag slowly on the stone of the floor. My mind caught in a daze. Finally I get some time to think about everything that's been going on. I take a deep breath and let my thoughts take over. The boy who I shoved...what is his name again? Jackson? I cringe at the name. That's defiantly not it. James? My lips pull down I'm a frown. Neither of those names sound correct in my mind. I know it starts with the letter J though. Jacob. That's what it was. A big grin appears on my face. I stop, right in the middle of the hallway. In a few moments, the smile fades from my face. Why does his name bring me so much joy? I feel so much happiness inside me when I think of his name, but there are no moments I have that show me why. Why do I feel like this? I have so many questions and so few answers. I feel like I'm stuck in a loop. A loop of trying to connect things that aren't there. It's just so confusing. Not when your with him. Not when your with Jacob. My thoughts whisper to me. My eyes grow wide. That's it. That what I have to do. Jacob holds the key. I don't know why. I don't know how. All I feel is that Jacob is someone that doesn't make me feel so lost. Quickly, I'm thrown out of thoughts to realize that I've stumbled to the Hufflepuff Common Room. I have no idea what the password could be. My hand hesitantly comes up and knocks quietly on the door. My ears prick up as I faintly hear footsteps come closer to the door. They slowly pull the door open but not enough for me to see them.

"May I please speak with Jacob?" I ask the Hufflepuff at the door quietly. A small sniffle is the only response I get. I furrow my brows. "Are you okay?" I ask pushing the door open further. I'm met with the stare of two captivating ocean blue eyes. I jump back a bit, startled by there brilliance. Then I realize who is standing there, tears falling down their cheeks. Jacob. Before I even know what I am doing, my feet take me inside the Hufflepuff Common Room. I quickly wrap my arms around his shoulders and place my chin on the top of his head.

"What's wrong?" I ask him quietly, hearing the door shut quietly behind me. A sniffle is all I hear.

"Y-you wouldn't un-understand." Jacob whispers.

"Try me." I tell him. He moves his head and looks into my eyes. His blue eyes are filled with sorrow and hurt. I see a tear fall down his cheek and hit the floor, making a tiny splash. He shakes his head then, moving it to look down. I take a deep breath then. Slowly I bring my hand up and rest the tips of my fingers against his chin. I push his head up so our eyes are looking into each other's.

"If you don't want to talk that's perfectly fine, but I do have a few things I would like to say to you." I say to Jacob quietly. "Let's go sit down." I tell him as I walk over to the chair closest to the fire. Warmth spreads throughout my entire body and a sigh escapes my lips.

"You go first." I hear Jacob mumble from the chair black chair next to me. I take a shaky breath.

"Everything right now is so confusing. I feel so lost. I don't remember anything. Nothing at all. It's so difficult. Not to mention everyone hates me. Nothing makes sense to me anymore. It's the small things that I don't understand the most." I pause to take a deep breath. My head comes up and I look right at him. "Whenever I am around you, I get nervous. I start to stutter. My checks always, always, flush with heat. Inside my chest, my heart starts pounding like it never did before. I run my hands through my hair and it's gets all messed up. I never recall ever doing those things before." Suddenly I stand up and start to pace around the chairs in front on the fire. My fingers quickly run though my hair before I can stop them. "It's like trying to connect dots that aren't there. I have these feelings and emotions attached to people like glue, but I can't seem to remember the memories that go along with it." I stop again and let my eyes gaze to Jacob. His bright blue eyes are staring right into mine. My heart begins to pound. "This all leads back to you, Jacob. I'm being selfish and cruel right now, but I don't care. Whenever I'm with you, everything doesn't seem so confusing anymore. I feel...peaceful. I'm not so lost anymore." I say to him. He suddenly gets up and walks over to me. His arms wrap tightly around my waist and he holds me close to him. I slowly wrap my arms around his shoulder and let myself lean into his warmth. He rests his head on my chest. Tears start falling down my cheeks. "My parents always told me that I must stay composed. I must hold a grace that no other student here had. For the longest time, that's exactly what I did. I'd parade around the house as if I'd own the place. The friends I had during childhood weren't friends. They were pawns. My own home didn't even feel comfortable to live in. It was an academy for learning how to be someone I'm not. Jacob, something changed the moment I came feels so important...I don't know what it could be." I tell him. The tears start falling faster now. An ugly sob echos around the room. Then another. Those are my sobs. My tears. "H-how could I forget s-something so important?" I ask him softly, my voice cracking. He looks up then.

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