Untitled Part 11

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The next morning I was a bit grumpy as I walked up the steps of the jet. I was wearing one of Reno's t-shirts and some sleeping shorts. I'd stayed up all night, getting rid of the loose ends and getting shit squared away with my brothers so I hadn't thought about the fact that I was going to be in a confined space with Nomi and her husband for ten hours. Thankfully Reno's jet had a few bedrooms on it because no way was I going to sit and make nice with them.

"Remind me to call Palatino before I forget again," I told Reno. He threw my luggage on our bed with a frown.

"Di Santo?"


"For what?"

"I was supposed to call him but then Joey got shot so I forgot about it. I'm calling him about his son. I don't want to kill Luca. I don't want to go to war with Palatino. But if he can't get control of his son, I will be doing both."

He nodded, "The only one allowed to kill Luca is me. I will remind you to call him though."

I took out the things I'd need for the flight and went back into the main room for take off. Kishi flopped down next to Reno and Morishita sat next to him while Sera, Nomi and her husband, Yokota, sat across from us.

"How's the Spaniard?" Yokota asked me.

I looked at Reno, "We got ten hours. That's long enough for me to dismember his body into bite size pieces and dispose of the evidence."

He leaned over and kissed me deeply, "I'll tell my father he slipped and fell but we'll have to get rid of the witnesses." He nodded at Nomi and Sera.

"Naw Sera can make it. I like her," I winked at her and she giggled.

"Fine. Just Yokota and Nomi then. Kishi, get the acid together," Reno said.

"All he asked was how-" Nomi tried.

"I heard him. I don't require a translator. My brother is not his concern and neither am I. If it wasn't for Mokosata-san I would've shot him the first time I met him. For the sake of peace it would be best if he doesn't address me again. Ever."

"You may be the 'Phoenix' to everyone else but for me you're just Am-"

Before he could finish I threw a knife next to his throat. It stuck into his seat with an audible noise. I stood up and went to retrieve it and several of his guards looked nervous. Good.

"You will refer to me as Phoenix from now until you die. Or I will cut out your tongue and shove it down your throat," I grabbed the handle of the blade and leaned in close to his face. "I can't imagine that'd be fun for your wife."

"You lit-"

"Shh. No talkie. Shut upie only. Gotta use small words for you. I see you have a hard time understanding. Do not talk to me. Do not talk about me. Sit on this jet for ten hours and pretend I don't fucking exist just like I plan to do for you and her," I motioned towards Nomi and finally pulled the blade out of the seat.

I flopped down in my seat as the stewardess came in looking uncomfortable.

"I just came to let you know the captain is ready for takeoff Ozaki-san," she said timidly.

"Thank you. We're ready," he answered while he and Kishi smiled at Yokota.

She nodded and left as I handed Reno his knife back. He looked down at the empty slot in his belt. "How did you-I didn't even feel that."

"If you and O don't work out, will you marry me?" Kishi asked, laughing.

"Hell no. I told you if O messes this up I call dibs," Mo cut off.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2020 ⏰

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