Part 9

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I didn't waste time as I pushed past him and headed to the room Freddy usually used. I barged in without knocking to see him kissing his way down Tina. She shrieked when she saw me but I ignored it.

"Joey è stato colpito."

(Joey's been shot)

"Che cazzo!" He yelled getting off Tina.

(What the fuck!)

He immediately hopped off the bed and walked with me and Kris to the infirmary.

"What happened?" Freddy snapped at Kris.

"I don't know. Everything went fine. The deal was good. The Colombians brought us the product, we gave them the money, then bullets started flying," he recalled.

"So they betrayed us," Freddy concluded.

"Well no that's the thing. Their guys got gunned down too. Took us awhile to figure that out so meanwhile men who would've survived bled out."

"Like Joey?" I asked pissed off.

He shook his head. "Joey was shot after everything had calmed down. He actually got the situation under control then suddenly two more shots ring out and then he's coughing up blood."

"Did you guys return fire?"

"Yes but honestly it was such a cluster fuck that we don't know how much it mattered."

"How many men did we lose?" Freddy asked.

"Seven confirmed dead. Four in critical condition. Two injured. And then Joey."

We were nearing the infirmary when I realized someone was missing. "Where the hell's Ryan?"

"Earlier his ex was telling him the kids were sick. And then about two hours before the drop she says she's taking the youngest to the ER so he asked if I could handle it."

We made it downstairs near the infirmary.

"Why didn't you fucking call Drew or us?"

He didn't get a chance to answer me as a nurse approached me.

"Princess. Your brother is stable for now," she greeted.

"How bad is it?" I questioned.

"He has quite a bit of blood loss but he is going to pull through."

"So no coma?" Freddy asked her as one of our men approached Kris and spoke lowly in his ear.

"No coma," she confirmed.

"Princess. We have a prisoner," Kris announced.

"What's his condition?"

"The bullet he caught apparently only scratched him so other than that, he's fine."

"Good. Go call Boss and inform him on what happened. Get in contact with the Colombians and set up a new meeting so we can salvage our ties. Freddy, go tuck Tina in and then meet me down in the cells," I ordered.

"Where are you going?" My brother questioned.

"To change obviously. Can't torture in booty shorts and red bottoms."

When I got to my room I immediately stepped out of my boots causing Reno to frown.

"Everything okay?"

"Joey's been shot. I gotta torture someone."

"Is your brother ok?"

"For now."

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