Chapter 8

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We made our way to the car with everyone debating whether we were doing karaoke at home or at a bar.

Shanti walked next to me and Reno, doing her best to avoid Joey.

"Your brother is a stalker," Reno said in Japanese.

"If I thought she was actually bothered, I would castrate him."

"Do you guys ever speak English?" Cali asked.

"I speak in whatever language I want, whenever I want," I told her in Turkish.


I ignored her and headed to the car Reno and I came in.

"Hold on. Where are you guys going?" Reno turned to my brothers.

"Don't start this shit," Joey said with his foot halfway in the car my friends had arrived in.

"You are not invited to my house."

Freddy shrugged, "We don't need an invitation."

"Joey. Isn't it Friday?" I asked.


"Okay so then don't you have to do the thing?"

"Not until later," he said nonchalantly.

"Did you scope everything out?" I pressed.

"It's our spot," he said defensively. My friends were in their car waiting for us to leave at this point.

"I don't care who's spot it is. You're gonna be sloppy after what I told you yesterday?! Someone has a file on us and you're gonna take risks?"

"Fine. Fine sis. I'll go get ready and then I'll meet up at karaoke."

"No. You'll go prepare and then you'll stay home."

"I can do both!"

"Drop that tone down," Freddy interrupted.

"Listen, this isn't about you trying to have business and pleasure. This is serious."

"Why are you being so anal about this? I've always done both."

"Because I'd really rather you not die! We've never had our business floating around in the streets like this before. Why are you fighting me so hard on this?"

His answering groan only ticked me off more.

"This isn't a negotiation. I'm not asking. I'm not debating. Go home. Get some rest. Plan. Take Ryan and Kris with you too."

"Whyyyy? They're too stiff," he whined.

"Man just do it and stop bitching. You've been told what to do. The reason she's sending 'stiff' people with you is because you're too fucking silly. Don't fuck this up. We need this deal," Freddy said in aggravation.

"What deal? You want back up?" Reno asked.

I shook my head, "We got it. Don't we Joey? Because you're going to take your goofy ass straight home and do what the hell I told you. And you're not going to question me again unless you want to be laid on your ass. Right?"

He rolled his eyes, "Right. I'm going."

We watched him walk away from us and then we loaded up. When everyone filed into Reno's house I had a thought.

"Cali did you ask your mom if you can stay out? I'm not going to jail for kidnap."

"Uh. See..."

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